Sam is a goblin.

85  2018-01-20 by junkyoftheeast


Fucking grot.

Sam should be exiled to the woods

Yes, at Devil's Creek

Is he just rubbing his nose on his sleeve? Use a tissue you fucking Tolkien creature.

Mommy told him it was ok. Also ok: playing with dolls, only eating nuggies, and calling 911 for a flat tire.

He hails from Nilbog.

More like Nigbog.

Dope denim jacket.

Mommy hadn't washed his 11 flannel shirts.

Its amazing how some non-Jews can look and act like such kikes.

He looks like he could spin straw into gold.

And spin discussion topics into shit

What a fucking snaggletooth monstrosity

"Goblin" Is that in anyway synonyms with unfunny faggot?

How does he glance in the mirror and not notice how horribly unhealthy he looks?

Bet he thinks he looks hot and hip

I feel a lot of irony in this post.

This thing lives under a bridge.

I can't tell if this picture is photoshopped!

Nice fractal hair, faggot.

Why do you guys view the show if you hate the guy so much lmao

How's it hanging McFly?

This is what babies do.

man child

Mommy hadn't washed his 11 flannel shirts.