How long until we start getting British /r/opieandanthony posters sent to jail?

49  2018-01-20 by deep_legal_shit


social media is for retards.

England is for cuckolds.

Reddit isn't much safer either.

Saying 'something is for something else' is for faggots


Snitching faggots

As if it's any different than what 'we' did to Joe Cumia

Joe Cumia deserves it tho.

Yeah but he's not a pedophile

Can you link me this in DM un-redacted. Kinda important for something I'm working on.

You're going to jail

They'll never take me alive!!!

(this account is for entertaining porpoises only)

entertaining porpoises

oh i see


thanks dude.

No problem.

I doubt you are working on anything important if you didn't know how to search twitter or google for it.

this sub is better than a search engine... does the same but has a sense of humour.

fake as a mugg

England is a fag country

Now I want to know what the Japs are.

For what it's worth, this is only partially a joke. It's funny that they're in this position, but it's funnier that we're in a position to see some of their dorky posters who came here uninvited sent to jail for their edgy comments.

If anyone knows a way to alert the proper "authorities" over there post it here. I will personally start sending the postlogs of known British posters with gay/racist comments.

You got a lot of free time huh? Sad little faggoty nigger..

Dial 011-44-RATTINGFAG. They'll surely reward your blatant homosexuality.

The balls on this guy, calling someone a fag knowing the police are going to pay him a visit

I'm not in England. Thank Christ

You should have started shootin. Oh wait i guess you could throw your shitty teeth at them

They would just get carried away by the wind because they're hollow inside.

As smart as English think they are they can't wrap their heads around why we have guns... this is it, that community officer (aka ussr political officer) would meet my 44 and Mr sawed-off

They took your guns away Anthony

Good one, you know it's true

When I was 24, I bought a 10 gauge shotgun at a gun show for home defense. I've shot pistols, but no shotguns. I went out in my field to get a feel for it. I was 5'11" and 175 lbs. I shot that motherfucker ONCE.

I was promptly knocked on my ass, right shoulder fucked and tears in my eyes.

I'm a pussy.

10 gauge is no joke I'm 6ft 185lbs been firing weapons since I was 6. 12 rounds of 10 gauge would fuck up my shoulder something fierce. I wouldn't call you a pussy for that. 12 gauge is the best for home defence plus all the awesome brands and modifications you can do to them

Did you forget to press the butt hard against your shoulder before firing?

just got to know how to position it right to absorb the shock

I thought I had it positioned pretty. I think I was bracing for the sound instead of the kick. Fucked me up for sure.

Convert to Islam and claim they're being racist.

How great would it be if OP did this?

it would save his soul too.

Is this fucking real? I mean I mostly have my head in the sand but is this really a fucking thing in the UK? You mean you guys have real life not in a futuristic novel thought police?

Yes, there are numerous instances of people getting arrested and "called in for questioning" about shit they said on social media in UK

Jesus Fucking Christ so this is basically a wide interpretation of the Public Order Act 1986? Why the fuck aren't there a tremendous amount of lawyers fighting this? I urge the lot of you that are still sensible to abandon your SJW Island come to America and help us save it while we still can. Bring some Original Bass Ale not the shit we have here I like that beer.

Isn’t bass Canadian?

What’s wrong wit the Canadian beers we got? They drink pretty good!

Labatt, Molson...

What are some dem udda beers?

Why the fuck aren't there a tremendous amount of lawyers fighting this?

because that would be anti semitic

That scottish guy that made his pug do a nazi salute is facing jail time. Should've voted for independence when they had the chance.

It’s ok, we are moving into the same direction

Under a new California law, those who work in health care who use the wrong gender pronoun when referring to a transgender patient could face prison time.

Oh for fuck sakes that isn't what the law says, it's clearly about 'willful' and 'persistent' discriminatory violations.

we California

you're on your own dawg

I mostly have my head in the sand

You've already been told to keep it on a swivel.

On the up side, they're likely to survive the encounter.

Somebody should compile a list of known british posters so we can more easily drop the dime on them when they break their cucked country's hate speech laws.

Try dropping a quarter into the back of your throat, repeatedly, until you die.

Farewell, Britain.

I'm so glad that the Redcoats lost. They can have their own faggot country where citizens go to jail for talking shit about Islam on twitter. God bless the brave men who died for this great country and who gave me the freedom to say that Muhammad was a pedophile and immigrants from shithole countries don't belong here.

reminder that it was the British who signed and initially implemented the Balfour Declaration

Fake as shit

Pull out da choppa guvnah, lay those blokes out

The cyber police is real now!

What did he say in his tweet?

Did Cathy Newman call the constables?

In all seriousness: England is for bonafide faggots, but that's some truly frightening shit in that photo.

video doesn't work

Fake and gay and only retards use their personal information on social media

Does the sirens there make the cool 'wee-ooo wee-ooo' sounds?

Yeah but he's not a pedophile

reminder that it was the British who signed and initially implemented the Balfour Declaration