Sam Roberts has falling into the Don Barris realm of untrustworthy.

0  2018-01-20 by mtstmellon

They might all love the mean but they will never trust ya.


Trust. Read it again. Trust.

The Sam Roberts no greasy Italian guy who jerk off a casting director and got blown by him in 1992?

I'll start liquidating from the top.

I have to make an example of one again, don't I? Patience.

They are so smart, aren't they?

I call murders, deal with compadres from other countries. You can't 0 or 1's. Why are we talking?

Like equals?

Let's lawyer up, I won't say anything against my Country. Will you?

I can tell purely from your incoherent, worthless babble that this is a u/DeepStateAgent alt account.

That should tell you two things.

  1. I'm an autistic faggot who spends way too much time on here; and

  2. You are a fucking cunt.

Sam talks to the conspiracy comedians. :D

I saw 911, I also saw 411, and everything 11.

It's ok what you think, day to day life. Live it.