Felon "self employed" negro rants about da Spanish folk.

7  2018-01-20 by RBuddCumia


I hope his liver shuts down.

It's a race between that and his "network"

Sure, of course he wants to “fuck the dreamers”. Because they’re children. Sick fuck.

A nigga gotta get his diqq wet fam.

He do, he do. But I’m still calling that spade a spade

Well he was almost enticed by one as a kid, so now he’s gotta return the favor

shut it down. send em home.

How about Ant does his job. You know being funny?

he's still hilarious


One time in the past 6 years is a little less than sporadic.

This sub just forgot to lafff


UseMoreHastags #YouGayPedophile

. #UseMoreHastags #YouGayPedophile

Can't believe he's tweeting brilliant gems like this outside his paywall!

"ever single thing" He's Chappelle doing a Klansman impression.

Adam sure put him in his place

“Dems” “libs” can this old fuck just die already

The sooner his heart gives out the better.

Italians are NOT white.

Where's let em in Sammy when we no him?

anthony’s racism used to be so charming now he’s just an aging fuck-head... i used to like this guy

It's like...I agree with everything he says, it's just the way he says it infuriates me.

He is not wrong. That’s what bugs certain people. Cuts right at the heart of their ideology

fuck illegal spic garbage and virtue signaling cuck "whites"

I know we like to obliterate ant but seriously, fuck the dreamers


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I'm starting to hate Ant more than I hate Opie.