A creepy aspect of Anthony that doesn't get enough attention. Lately he's been talking about trans/cross dressing kids.

70  2018-01-20 by TinKnockinMoroccan

The sick fuck can't keep his perversions to himself. He HAS TO bring it up to other people. He pretends to be disgusted even though it's obvious he's turned on by it. He used to do it with shit like the chickenhawk documentary. Now he's using the trans kid subject to express his disgusting man on child sexual fantasies while preaching about "traditional values."


he did it for a little stretch about that anorexic youtube chick. He brought her up like 2 or 3 times a week. he also acted "disgusted" at her

Here's Mommy shoes talking about an 8 year old drag queen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9_vpgrjh_4

Kids should be playing with guns!

Anthony wants boys to be raised they way he was, so they'll actually be gay instead of just enjoy wearing women's clothing.

Ant is Michael Jackson

No. Guns are bad. We should parade him around like pedo bait.

Guns literally kill people. Bad people like guns. Has love ever killed anyone? Has a child ever been abused by gay people? No!

Guns aren't bad, but Anthony framing his childhood as a wonderful time of father/son bonding is absurd. On one of the occasions his dad took him shooting/drinking, another guy shot and nearly killed his own son.

Ant also conveniently leaves out other "masculine" activities he partook in with his dad. Like group showers.

Ant is a second generation bad gun owner. When hearing him moralize all i actually hear is "Why didnt my dad raise me right?"

Like I said, he knows the Joe sr parenting method is proven to turn kids gay. He he's hoping that more young boys get "man training."

Actually gay men are responsible for 40% of proven child molestations despite being less than 1% of the gen population. There is a grooming culture with gay men and coercing young impressionable boys into sexual acts is considered normal as bing attracted to very yung teenagers or men that look like teenagers,also called twinks.

Christ. the whole time hes wearing an ill fitting jacket

Why are all his references 50 years old

He's been blackout drunk every night since he was 12.

Remember when he brought up Jenna Marbles and how funny she was and everyone shit on him for it?

Lonely old creep

shes lovely but painfully unfunny.

Her dogs are adorable, though.


I just noticed that on the Forgot to Laugh episode.

The countless hours he spent talking about Toddlers & Tiaras.

His interest was the stage moms that forced their kids into these pageants, not the tarted up babies.

what a disgusting, harmful kink to have. classless, even. not like that good ol' incest

What are you doing with your life?

The Lord's work, son.

It’s not panning out, try something else.

What is it, potting out or somethin?

A chip joke? Honestly, end it.

What happened to you sense of humor? Did somebody hurt you?

IDK, quick throw out another zinger from one of Jim Norton’s personas. If that doesn’t land, maybe my sense of humor has been too damaged...

I think you're just being a crab. Maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.


You see it’s even cheekier this time than all the other times Jim Norton said it.

I guess you forgot to laugh.

where do you think you are

O and A subreddit, that has been completely infiltrated by a bunch of fags, nerds, and limeys. That were not present for even one Jocktober.

Sense of yumuh


Anthony, you leave those sexy, sexy kids alone.

As fucked as it is, those people make up about .1% of the population and often kill themselves young so why even worry about it.

The issue is Ant getting his rocks off talking about his fantasies of men having sex with children.

His two passions colliding. His outrage is a bit too lasciviousness to be taken at face value.


Opie = chip Ant = uncle paul

He pretends to be disgusted even though it's obvious he's turned on by it

and you aren't?

You are so right op! Anthony is 100% a pedophile because he is disgusted of the sexualization of children. Do you have an address I can send some books I need interrupted to?

Are we linking Ant's jerk off material?

Whaaat it's just clean innocent fuuun

You're not a pedophile though, right?

No sir I am not a pedophile (x3)

to be real, that shit bums me out. Liev's kid was adorable. He just wanted to be a character he liked from a movie. And some peds have to come along and sexualize him

Don't you call the shadman a pedo. He is an artist that meticulously chronicles and comments on the nuances of society.

Is he that fag who draws quasi anime porn?

Here Lloyd, thith helpth


Yep, sometimes people feign disgust & focus on subjects which have some resonance with them at some level. Hmm

Guess I forgot to Tranth

I'm both fascinated and disgusted by serial killers. What does that mean?

Have you kill 2 or more people?

If I did?

Drop me on my head?

of course ant is a child fucker. its the classic serial killer that joins the search party move.

If it wasn't for this sub, I wouldn't know what this degenerate bag of dogshit was talking about. Fuck him