Jim leaves and immediately turns into Sams shit wrestling podcast. Fucking fire that fag. They need another comic or atleast someone with comic sence

88  2018-01-19 by DEEZZNNUUTTSS


He usually brings in Mike Cannon, who is not bad.

Who's that?

a white version of nick cannon

tss mike cannon, that shit's gonna be loud y'all

The most hateable fratboy faggot you’ll ever heard on the air. This guy looks, talks and acts like a fucking bad late 90s wannabe tough guy character in a comedy flop.

Top 3 most hateable guest.


Damn right! Fucking civilians can't be left alone in a studio.

He fucking has a wrestling podcast. Jim has an MMA PODCAST. Would it kill them to stick to comedy on their comedy show?

Exactly my thoughts! If i want sams wrestling podcast (which i couldnt think of anything worse) i will go to his youtube. Until then keep the dam show funny

It's never been funny

Haha whe. They bring proper people in its great. Anthony and jim still have that good chemistry, Vos is great. Listening to the last episode with Vos again.

Sick of stupid Sam condescending Vos like he's ever been above him.


It's a comedy show?

No. It isn’t.

In all fairness, it's faction talk, not faction guffaw, all they are expected to do is talk. They do that a lot. If I wanted a channel full of talking that's the channel I'd go to. If I wanted to chuckle or snicker I'd look for Faction laughs, or Faction titters, but I like talking so I go to faction talk.

Hey. Shut up.

Well they're both complete and utter dullards, their only credentials come from the stand-up and having worked on a comedy radio show.

Faction titters

What faction? This is the gayest name for a channel

Not a convincing rationale

Remember when SiriusXM classified the Opie with Jim show as "entertainment" rather than comedy? Opie was fine with it and Jim was infuriated.

Wonder if he'd feel the same way now.

He suddenly realized what grants him more celebrity photos to put in his box of mementos that he never looks at.

*cents? *scents? oh...




He can't help his closeted homo-ism


Loved today’s show because I knew posts like these were coming.

But guys Jeff Ross was on!......promoting his appearance on Raw 25 on Monday.

What makes it worse is Sams fluff no substance interview style. It’s bad enough to when there’s someone interesting on, but no one gives a damn what wrestlers are like when they’re not in character.

I don’t know what I expected though. Sam can’t drop the charade of being this young hip guy who acts condescending because he’s so much cooler than everyone. Underneath that front he’s a really pathetic excuse for a man with no real convictions or ability to grow up and become admirable in any way.

I can't wait for him to go bald in three weeks. His wigger clothes will look triple gay

Sam was made for Entertainment Tonight Radio. He has all the mental and social capacities of vapid shitheads who talk about the Kardassians all day, with none of the good looks that get them on television, or the good voices that get them on the radio.

He is Opie Roberts.

Why? This isn't O&A.

I refuse to illegally download that episode

I dont think Jim, Sam, or even Ant will be very funny on any show, its just not the same, they are past their prime.

Replace Jim and Sam with The Bonfire.


Management says if it don't make dollars it don't make sense, homeboy

nacho cheese.......

Regular radio guys stink, the best part of one was the comics and bits they were in the room for. Otherwise it's just edgy fagggotry and creepy assholes who loves doing radio

What is sence? You phonetically spelling bitch

Pay Nick Mullen to sit in every single Friday. Jim will shit his pants at the reception and will stay every day of the week.

Have Gomez in as well. Hell just put the Skanks on with Mullen. Move every show to the time slot before them though and let skanks take the time after Dipalo, as i cant imagine they work best in morning lok

You should apply for the job alongside Jim man! You sound like you have a lot of comic sence.

Haha well then again maybe you should, you would fit right in with Sam when he goes off on someone for mis-spelling

Would I?


Funny how Jim with Opie was a better show than Jim & Sam. Actually its sad.

Jim, Bobby, and Vos in the morning please.

Haha well then again maybe you should, you would fit right in with Sam when he goes off on someone for mis-spelling