Is it already Wrestlemania weekend??? Sam is flooding the studio with wrestlers.

9  2018-01-19 by dogvoicemail


the 25th anniversary of Raw is Monday

Probably the 25th anniversary of Sam getting a wrestler action figure lodged up his ass during a sleepover as well.

Things a faggot would say

They are in NY Monday night for a big show so they are all in town, it's Sam's way of asking to be invited.

Sam is already co-hosting the Pre-show next Monday on and WWE Ntework... This is him paying up with the promotion on the XM platform.

I don’t mind a bit of wrestling talk, because every now and then it’s fun to go back and watch like I’m 12, but I seriously tried to listen to this one and tapped out like Chris Benoit just put a pillow over my face.

They talk about wrestling like Joe Rogan talks about stand up. We got it; you’re an artist developing your craft.

I don't even listen to J&S but have the urge to swing a baseball bat as hard as I can into Sam's face until his skull completely shatters. Only one in O&A universe I truly want dead.

Eww you said the O&A Universe

sam is a known faggot and avid wrestlehead. that's all I have to say about that.