This man was once a social pariah due to his discriminatory prejudices, alcoholism, & abuse towards women. However he was able to overcome it through the gospel of Jesus Christ & probably the use of PEDs, you too Anthony can follow this path.

69  2018-01-19 by dogvoicemail


PEDs stands for something different to Anthony.

Penises Enter Dirtbox.

Pulsing Erections Digested.

Phallice Eaten Deliciously

Pungent Endocrine Discharge

Tss Pecka Eatin Dude

When all is said and done, he really is just a lovable drunken Anti-Semite

with a buttery smooth voice

If they had him read Opie's lines from a show and dubbed his voice over Opie's it might actually be entertaining.

Being a drunk is not a good thing

Oh yeah? Anthony is a drunk and he turned out just f... Wait a minute. You’re right!

His father is a hoot doesn't believe the six jew lie.

When all is said and done, he really is just a lovable drunken Anti-Semite

That's all we can really ask of anybody.

Probable? 'Ole Mel is juiced to the gills.

Mel.. Mel.. That reminds me of a time in Boulder in 1985 when my friend Mel robbed a liquor store for an 8 ball.

As he should be

I'd pay for the Mel and Anthony show, what a splendid train wreck that would be.

Riggs and Murtaugh back together again

Riggs, I can't feel my liver (knocks back on a cup of boxed wine) I'm too old for this shit.

What? What?! I don't understaaaaand you.


Ant should come out as a gay tranny lover that would score him some lib points.


Big Jay Oakerson looking good after a few courses of AZT.


go away jew

my sentiments exactly

There's major differences though.

Mel is straight, demands respect, fucks women to get them pregnant and thus spread his genetically superior genes and he has a career.

He's also white

Mel also had a better complexion in Man Without a Face than Ant had in his entire life.

all true

When I grow up I want to be just like Mel Gibson.

He also settled the debate of what comes first: Getting blown or go to jacuzzi?

Mel has it all figured out

I remember when the cast of Hangover 2 wouldn't work with him because he said bad things. But twice they worked with Mike Tyson who was convicted of rape.

And threatens constantly to beat people up, and has. He’s a violent rapist, but Mel Gibson’s words are just unacceptable. We get it, Hollywood.

Remember what George Clooney said in his acceptance speech. Hollywood has always been ahead of society and been the trendsetters. Remember he took responsibility for the civil rights movement.

Without Clooney, Rosa Parks wouldn't have had the guts to refuse giving up her seat to a white person!

Because unlike Tyson, when Mel says "rape jews" no one thinks he wants "grape juicthe"


Good one

I hope everyone in Hollywood is violently killed.

Mel is actually much more constructive with his beliefs. He believes that black people do, in fact, have something important to contribute to society: raping ungrateful whores.

Wish I had the skills to make an aPOCKalypto movie poster.

I wish he was in Mad Max 4. I like Tom Hardy but I would've loved to see an older Max like in Thunderdome.

I'd never heard of Tom Hardy before that movie and was surprised. It gave me hope that we may have a new generation of real men in movies again.

Then whatever you do, don’t look at his old MySpace pics.


Mel Gibson is fucking awesome, though. Even for a Hollywood douche. Ant is a pissy eyed faggot who pays a cop to be his friend and wears Rockstar shirts.

What the hell are you talking about? It was the goddamn JEWS who conspired to take him down. Telling lies and exaggerations like they always do. Shine the light on them and they are wounded.

I still hope sue lightning gets raped by a pack of niggers

I still hope sue lightning gets raped by a pack of niggers

I still hope sue lightning gets raped by a pack of niggers

And without "fixing" his hair

Pretty sure he did. But he is Mel. He can do whatever the hell he wants.

Yeah, but Mel never fucked a tranny.


Mel.. Mel.. That reminds me of a time in Boulder in 1985 when my friend Mel robbed a liquor store for an 8 ball.

my sentiments exactly

Pretty sure he did. But he is Mel. He can do whatever the hell he wants.

As he should be