Sup gang- What's up with #realeasethememo?

2  2018-01-19 by WhippingHuskies



What is it

??? I dunno, apparently some document that's supposed to shake up DC, implicate the Bush/Clinton/Obama mafia in MASSIVE corruption. But, I'm getting what little I've read on it from conspiracy, which has been completely compromised and is insane too often to begin with, and The Donald is too much of a circle jerk to get any reliable information. The press here in Europe is essentially Stalin level Leftist propaganda and can be trusted even less than Fox, or the MSM Left alliance stateside. I just wanted to know what it's all about, since I can't make heads or tails of it here.

It sounds completely made up. Why would all of that be in one memo? The fact that you're seeing the hashtag absent of any actual information is a pretty good signifier it's just some 4chan shit stirring.

Could be. Every fucking place that mentions it, is saturated by cyber warfare. Full of bots and obvious paid shills. That's what destroyed conspiracy. Apparently something is gonna hit the wire tonight.

Dont hold your breath.

I won't if none of these Republicrats aren't hanging for treason yet, I doubt they ever will be, until they're beaten in the street like Mussolini.


are you speculating that governments are corrupt? dude stop loying

Corruption is an understatement, but that's besides the point here. From they way some people are describing it, it's supposed to actually really shake things up for the first time since Watergate. But, I dunno shit about it, and can't reliably trust anything I'm reading on any of the sources here b/c of how partisan they are.

I've been trying to figure out what exactly it is too, I hadn't heard of it until this morning. Hopefully it is some huge shit that burns multiple politicians and government officials from all parties. Seems like that never really happens with most of these things though.


Sam speaks for the Sheeple. In other words he has nothing more to say than some dunderhead in the street. On top of that he brags about how he can focus on wrestling when Jim is gone. I got out of the shower and turned the channel.

I KNEW IT!!! Absolutely diabolical.


Left: Another DISTRACTION by Drumpf!!

Right: This is it! Drain the swamp.

That's what I'm getting out of all this.

Is anyone on this sub actually dumb enough to fall for what this piece of shit is trying to do? Try to be a bit more subtle next time, fuckhead.

You don't know anything about it but...

??? I dunno, apparently some document that's supposed to shake up DC, implicate the Bush/Clinton/Obama mafia in MASSIVE corruption

Seriously. Go play in traffic.

What exactly am I trying to do here? Please enlighten us all? I'm curious myself. Faggot.

It's obvious but I'll spell it out for the benefit of others reading this thread. You're lying by saying you don't know what #releasethememo is. You know exactly what it is. You're dancing around it and using language like "the way other people describe it" and "full of bots and paid shills" to make it look like you're sincere. Then you attack media outlets that would try to discredit this garbage document to try to give yourself legitimacy. Really, you're just shit stirring and trying to hide the fact that Rich Vos is playing at the Stand NYC on Jan 23.

Great Rich Roll.

I'm reading about it here across the pond

Yeah and STAY there.

Don't make us come over there and kick your ass again! (Not to you, but adding on what you're telling OP)

hahahaah yeah brothaman. 1776 all over again

where we at with the benedict arnolds?

One if by land, two if your mother's a whore!



There's no memo needed. Every body knows you're a poofter.

Fusion/GPS, tss why not Camry/Navigation or sumptin?

Are you suggesting that you in fact, are not a pedophile?

Probably that your government's intelligence did dirty work for Obama to get around laws to spy on election candidates and swing elections. Possibly many Republicans were spied on given how enraged Republicans are right now and desperate for the public to see this.

That's what I'm getting out of all this.

It's obvious but I'll spell it out for the benefit of others reading this thread. You're lying by saying you don't know what #releasethememo is. You know exactly what it is. You're dancing around it and using language like "the way other people describe it" and "full of bots and paid shills" to make it look like you're sincere. Then you attack media outlets that would try to discredit this garbage document to try to give yourself legitimacy. Really, you're just shit stirring and trying to hide the fact that Rich Vos is playing at the Stand NYC on Jan 23.