Debate Time: Danny Ross is the most pathetic person in O&A History and nobody even comes close

14  2018-01-19 by SpaceVC


Was that the faggot who lived at ants for a while?


He worshiped Anthony.

I still think him and Ant did gay shit with each other.

He was holding the camera while Anth fucked bisected 8 year olds.


Wow, what a cuckold to be so genuinely upset about a retired radio producer samefagging on TripAdvisor.

I want you to feel sharp metal tearing the inside of your asshole apart.

Am I genuinely upset? I posted this to laugh at him, you posted yours to try and catch Jimmy as-if anyone on Earth could give a fuck who he ate Christmas dinner with lmao. Fucking loser.

I dunno, R U?!?!

I'm glad I got you so angry and upset, baby boy.

baby boy

I just got you to send me 4 hate comments in a row without a response, because I made fun of your tranny dick sucking hero.

Without a response? You responded to me three times, so I came back with four, and you responded to each and every one of them. Are you as retarded as you're acting or what?

Nope, I replied to you once and you sperged out with a rant that wasn't funny or interesting. Keep doing it, it pumps up my numbahs gaylord.

I actually think it's hilarious how much time you spend looking up and saving pictures of my tranny dick sucking hero when you apparently don't like him but you make atleast five threads about him every day, and even Opie. That's beyond sad.

Send me 10 more angry comments, fanboy faggot.

Are you okay with all the responses you're getting? Are your little chubby cheeks getting red again?

You need to stop my man.

I did, two hours ago.

I got you looking at your watch too? What an easy target.

Again? Implying anyone in this thread but you are embarrassed. Then again you might be too much of a fag to feel shame.

Angry guy who pretends he's having a good time, would be sad if he wasn't such a douche.

This also applies to Opie.

You make a good case for Danny, but what about everyone here who’s only purpose is to imitate Jim Norton?

I hate it when they do that. It's enraging.

Right?, then I’m all, quit being a baby boy and start acting like a good egg!!


Don't be such...a problem.


Danny had access to contacts through one of the biggest radio shows ever, IF he even had a modicum of talent or game, he wouldn't be working in a bar faking a 'crazy good time'.

Didn't he use Lazlo to get a gig at Rockstar, and then get fired from that because he leaked info about an upcoming project?

I know the first part for sure and I know he got let go on bad terms like the fucking loser he is but no idea why.

I thought that was Than's story. Not Danny. Fuck do I know.

Remember when Danny, who mocked Steve C countless times for threatening physicality, threatened to punch a literally autistic intern because he couldn't get the better of him verbally?