Jesus, Keith

71  2018-01-19 by SpaceCaseBassFace


Gavin McRib

Gayvon McAnus.

I think it was a joke on behalf of Malice

This is true. Michael Malice intentionally pronounces Gavin's last name this way every time he mentions him. It was an inside joke. although I can't blame anyone unfamiliar for mistaking this as a Keith fuck-up. You might argue: Gavin had a show on the platform from early 2014-2017... how could he fuck that up? He absolutely could.

You should be ashamed of yourself for knowing this.

I don't think he's had a single bad show. I sorta fell bad that he's stuck behind a paywall but he's got the best show on the network.

That show with the fat broad was pretty rough.

He had on a fucking beauty queen and I was interested. He's kinda like Gavin in that he has a broad spectrum of friends and interests, something Ant has been lacking for a decade.

Definitely. He's this weird combination of autistic troll and social butterfly.

What should I know or not know, then, cunt?

Nice try

He really does look like a walrus, and an especially gay walrus at that.

Keith is not a good producer.

Those weed vapin hipsters in the booth can't get shit right.


He looks so fucking angry. Gayvine mciynes.

if theres any way for a frugal nigger to get the full ep lil help would be appreciated

bro. r/kickasstorrents has the active link on the sidebar with updates on the website.

A proudboy havin a tallboy.

He's trying to invent a new hipster vintage sub-style... 'Steamcunt'

And that’s how you executive produce

Hes the reason i stopped subscribing

Same. Ant should jab of offerered him ANYTHING to stay. I bet he lost more than he gained with artie

Gavin McIngus is just a dang hunk.

Waddle doodle.

Fat gay square

The look and personality of Jamie Hyneman with the edge and closeted homosexuality of Mac from IASIP

Wha? Now we don't get jokes?

They didn't watch so they don't realize it's a joke.

This subreddit has become Opie.

No, Opie didn't bother watching any of the good shows or movies that repeatedly came up on the show, even when everyone made constant joke references to them for years he didn't put minimum effort in.

Not watching an D-list nobodies show behind a paywall and mistakenly attributing it to one of the least qualified show runners in radio history is a fair mistake.

Besides, when have we ever depended on the truth when trashing these guys? Half the shit we joke about is exagerrated or flat out wrong (see: Lynsi breaking up with Op).

You still don't get that it's a joke. = Opie

NO, your Opie.

I agree to a point. But OP tries to shit on Keith but really shows the opposite of his intent. It doesnt reveal Keiths actual stupidity. Just shows them playing to their audience with inside humah,as unfunny as it may be. Be more funny.


Didnt say it was funny. But it flew over OPs head . Sad.

Guess I forgot to laugh.

Being named "Gavin" deeply fucked him up.

Anti-Semitic douche.

I'm not a Gavin fan. He can be funny he can also be really douchey.

But saying that one guy shouldn't be trusted because he had a gay face was hilarious.

Gavin is a Israeli ball licker like the rest of the alt roght

Gavin is the biggest catfish out there. Looks like a liberal hipster from Brooklyn but in reality a super right wing nut.

There's cum in that mustache.

He is not dressed for a Budweiser tallboy.

Canadian Faggot.