Sam is always talking down Jim

74  2018-01-18 by Zach86

Today's video about the racist Alabama girl, Jim is trying to play devil's advocate (fawk yea) and Sam always responds with a short "because of this" statement. Followed by Travis and Troy echoing Sam.

Sam treats Jim like a retarded old man (may have some truth) but he should at least think outside his chicken tenders box of a brain. Current events, movies, technology- each conversation has a shitty "I am right you are wrong" tone. Fucker could show a little respect to Jim.


I really don't like it when Sam does this(and he does it often);

Sam: "Have you heard the new Cardi B single?"

Jim: "No, I'm not familiar with them."

Sam: "WHAT!? How do NOT know Cardi B!?"

Calm down Sam. Not everyone enjoys top 20 hip-hop.

Oh fuck Sam, he didn’t know who Pewdiepie was.

Sam sounds like a teenage girl with this music shit. I say this only half jokingly: real men stop listening to new music when they turn 20.

I'm not sure why, but I agree with your "no new music after 20" theory.

real men stop listening to new music when they turn 20

Norton would agree with you wholeheartedly.

No, he stopped at 14.

Yeah, Jimmy is proof that it's possible to go too far in the other direction. But there's just something so girly about hopping on the latest musical bandwagon every two weeks. People who do that (like Sam) don't even seem to appreciate music, they just like being trendy and fashionable.

You know who else is obsessed with trends and fashion? Vagina having cunts.

he didn’t know who Pewdiepie was.

But once he found out, he couldn't stop shouting "Pewdiee Piieee in a high-pitched voice. Fucking infuriating.

Sam is a casual at life. Like the casual gamer, they tend to ruin and take the fun and enjoyment out of most things.

Unless its new music from bands you already liked.

Even people that like hip hop aren't overly excited about Cardi B. It's for the females.

Sam is a female

Yes. A female mongoloid.

She made biting cool, and just when I thought rap couldn't stoop any lower. Dumb bitch owes her entire career to a Kodak Black rhyme scheme, it's embarrassing on every level. They're both practically retarded.

Biting is cool when it's your bitches hand. I stand with Ant.

Kodak Black is at least likable and doesn't have a retarded accent with the worst voice ever.

Everything you said is false.


They should have stalker Patti and Cardi B on at the same time. Now THAT would be great radio!

Sam doesn't enjoy top 20 hip-hop either, he just studies pop culture to create a "hip" persona.

NOBODY thinks mismatched red and blue that look like something a kindergarten child would wear are cool. He's a pretentious ass.

Sam doesn't enjoy top 20 hip-hop either, he just studies pop culture to create a "hip" persona.

It's weird how few people here fail to recognize this.

I for one think that Sam is beautifully in touch with the cultural zeitgeist of the modern day, providing provocative and insightful opinions on the media that we take for granted.

I think I speak for everyone in this sub when I say that he's a real treasure, and I might go as far as to say that young people like me NEED someone like Sam to look up to and direct us culturally.


She got dem coco puffs

Like how he collects Jordans but has no interest in basketball?

What the fuck do you expect? He watches CNN with his loser wife who probably thinks sarcastic snark makes her right, and lazily mocking someone based on untrue assumptions is how you prove yourself right.

Holy shit you just reminded me - Sam is a father!

That's just not right.

Can't wait to see how that genetic disaster kid of his ends up.

He will probably be a handyman like his biological father

Donald RUMP, AMIRITE??!?

Sam talks like retarded girls I’ve dated. They get all of their sociopolitical opinions and news from whatever local morning zoo caters to soccer moms. It never gets deeper than that and they never think for themselves. So whenever those hot button issues flare up and you want to have an intelligent, nuanced conversation in which you look at both sides of the issue or just do devil’s advocate shit or just strongly disagree with their shallow talking points, they behave like condescending children. So you end up saying nothing because you realize you can’t change how vapid she is and you otherwise like her. And then they ask what’s wrong? Oh I’m just having a conversation in my head about something I’d like to talk to you about but I realize it would be pointless because it wouldn’t be consistent with what Robin Roberts told you to think this morning. So you tell her, oh, nothing, you look pretty.

You just described women in general.

So you end up saying nothing

You should be evolved out of this phase somewhere in your late teens, early 20s max, or there's a problem.

Jesus Christ this is accurate

I'm actually going to copy and paste both of their posts into notepad so I can re-read in the future

Morning Zoo radio seem to promote a "worldview" in which people actually care about Beyoncé gossip, Oprah as messiah, Angelina Jolie, Valentine's Day date night etiquette, etc.... Their audience have no sense or care of history. They live in 2018 alone and really care only about what (mainstream) movies are coming out, shopping and other stupid shit.

It's rare, but if you see an actual woman aged 18-35 posting comments on youtube and look at their views and favorites and such, it's revealing. Make-up tutorials, feel-good trending things, pop gutter trash videos, and celeb/general gossip.

35+ it's either doll collecting, stuff about their cats, or drama about their family if they have one.

Fancy statistics nigger.

my girlfriend's on instagram on her phone an i just stared at her dead-eyed for 30 seconds after reading this

Yeah, thank god we don't stare aimlessly at our screens waiting for juicy gossip to leak about hasbeen celebrities.

The Instagram part wasn't the focus of that but I agree we are all fags.

Do you really go through all this just to fuck a woman? My god man, save yourself the trouble and fuck bar sluts and prostitutes like the rest of us.

It's not much to put up with. I tried talking to my girlfriend about politics maybe 3 times. She's a fem gen major and I was destroying her in a two minute conversation about white privilege, she seemed like she was going to cry at the end so I gave it up and we don't talk politics anymore. Now we just fuck and it's great.

Good lord, they are all the same...

The only show Sam has been good on was Special Delivery with ESD.

Too fucking true. Night and fucking day

Sam has never taken a punch in his life. He was never punished by his parents. He has way too little shame to be such an ugly, unfunny faggot, and get paid for it. He should not have his name on a comedic radio show, and he deserves any bad things that happen to him, and much more.

Sam has the confidence of a man that has never taken a beating, he overestimates his abilities and is ugly

That's what I'm talking about. Biggest thing keeping me coming here is for when this shit finally happens.

Elder abuse!

I'm okay with this. Sam is awful and deserves no position of authority, but at least he doesn't let Jim's ego run the entire show.

Also maybe if Jim did some show prep he could help his own cause.

Jim already does PrEP

This and the fact that Jim stole Sam's position on the show and Jim fucking sucks at it. It makes him less funny because he can't multitask for shit so fuck him.

I find it funny that Jim probably decided to take that postion to get a jab in on Opie and show how easy that job is but all he has done is shown that Opie was better at it than he is.

Sam should cower in fear of Jim’s ability to affect his career and give him the automatic respect that goes along with it. However, That would require Sam to understand the intricacies of interacting with adults, and, as we all know, Sam entered his post school world woefully ignorant of how to act like a man.

sam is smarter than jim, and sam is retarded

Sam's musical taste is wretched.

Probably shouldn't take someone seriously who is an adult that still watches a fake rigged sport like the WWE, then again I still watch the NFL so who am I to judge?

I hate Sam because you can tell some times he thinks he has comedy gold so he tries to go off on a little comedic routine like Jim used to do but it just doesn't work. He just ends up talking in short stuttered sentences in complete silence.

Sam talks down to Jim because Jim tolerates it. Jim is dumb. It's Jim's fault.

Cheney shooting his pal in the face with a shotgun was less of a misfire than Scot Greenstein & Jim Myer's moronic pairing of Jim & Sam.

You are right sam always does talk down to Jim,but on the other hand Jim's pop culture references stop in the 80's and even with that they are obscure.

Last week Jim made a reference to a Charles Bronson film that they looked up and it opened in theaters in something like 6th place.

So Sam should do that but not as much as he does

an older man being put on the pay no mind list...... why does that seem familiar

Well, he is much taller.

Jim kept making stupid points. First off, Jim hasn’t been drunk in 30 years, so how’s he going to just blame everything on alcohol? If anything, alcohol is a truth serum. More importantly, these sororities and universities take public money. Your taxes go towards federal and state grants for many of these students. That’s why there’s a code of conduct issue here with the girl. This isn’t just a free speech in a private business.

Yeah I sensed this vibe from the beginning. No man can sit through that day in, day out, unaffected. Jim's mental health has to be taking harsh, slow death of a thousand blows. I legit feel bad for him and, as always, am waiting eagerly for the day someone delivers the justice to Sam that he has coming to him (preferably in the form of a disfiguring or physically disabling assault on his person, unironically).

Opie Roberts got all of his undeserved confidence while being protected by Opie Hughes. The one genuine moment was little Sammy groveling when Duffy was going to literally murder him. But of course Tits had his personal manservant Kenny there to protect his little bitch.

There has never been anything likeable about that chimp looking little parasite. He fucking sucks in every conceivable way.

Sam acts like that to everyone. Jim, Ant, Vos, Bobby.

He's a fucking prick. And unfunny. I've posted about this 100 times

"no u" - Sam Roberts

That’s the bit!

You're right, but let's look at Jim's issue in this same conversation.

Jim uses the SAME ARGUMENT every single fucking time these issues come up which is "The university shouldn't, the corporation shouldn't, the manager of the store shouldn't because free speech.....etc" And it makes no fucking sense. And every time Sam explains that it doesn't apply her, Jim just switches to the "Well then they should write the rules down exactly" Which didn't work years ago during O&A and still doesn't work now.

The worst thing is Jim doesn't practice what he preaches. When SiriusXM fired Anthony he stayed at the company. I'm not an Anthony fanatic, he's clearly lost his way, but when he and the "free speech argument" needed Jimmy, he turned his turtle shell on him, just like he did Louis.

Jimmy preaches his free speech garbage from his safe, contract seat on an explicit language pay channel that has fucking commercials and ads, and is being censored more everyday passively through "intelligent political discussion" which, without Ant is neither intelligent, funny, or edgy. He put in just enough of all three of those things to make it work. Jim just sits around going "I think that's what the story said......I didn't watch the video" and Let Em In Sammy just agrees with his "left of center I know everything" attitude.

And at least Sam, Trav dog and the callers stayed on point. Jimmys contestant hypothetical situations get so far off topic and only convolute any point he's making. Non sensical straw man arguments. Travis is easily the smartest in the room it's painfully obvious

Jim was a fucking idiot about it today. That's why. Contrarian Jim is a fucking idiot, and it's frustrating to the core.

Sam has never been beaten up. You can so tell. Skinny cunts who've never caught a good beating all have that cunty, twattish air about them. Hopefully Sam scuffs the wrong nigger's Nikes of somethin.

but he should at least think outside his chicken tenders box of a brain


Man, funny joke, but I think it will be lost on this subreddit because they haven't heard it enough times yet. You should have included a Rich Vos plug or suggested that Anthony was actually black to give them something familiar to laugh at, so they could ease into it slowly


Hahahahaha. Did you just imply that I am the person this thread was directed at, posting anonymously? That's such a new a funny response hahahahaha. How did you even think to say that

I can't be original as RapistWithAIDS, sorry. Did Jim come up with your name?

Sam should talk down to a man who wants to marry a male web cam whore a ocean away.

Coming from a guy who hosts a podcast with his dolls on his desk



I think falling in love with a mentally ill high school level artist in another continent who shows his dick for money is more pathetic than Sam's awfulness. Its worse than Ant's taste in sexual partners ( sue aside)

sort of have to agree..

Also hate sam, these are not mutually exclusive things!
