u/TheToolMan - I know it's you babe

12  2018-01-18 by TheHarryHater



Imagine that, a poster on /r/politics and /r/news is butthurt that faggot darling John Oliver is rightly being called out for raping multiple users here. Keep deleting the truth #MeToo.

Thermite paint, sir

I don't know why he can't at least address it. Everyone here is in agreement that the upvote system is fine, I don't even see the enjoyment in getting rid of shit that no one wanted you to get rid of

It's opie esque

There seems to be a common thread connecting the posts that get removed, the faggot is axing shit he doesn't want to see.

SpaceEdge did exactly what I expected him to do, play dumb.

I don't think he's playing. He doesnt seem to have bad intentions hes just a little wacked out and thinks hes doing it right. The other person though is clearly editing things to fit what they want even though it goes against the whole sub

It's playing in the sense that he knows him who is doing it, and if he doesn't, he could easily figure it out. He doesn't give a shit.

Hey, /u/TheToolMan, stop being so grody.

There's no need for that kind of language.

It's SpaceEdge. He's the only mod coming out and publicly saying he's deleting shit because he doesn't like it and wants this to not be a political sub. He lies and says he's been getting "a lot of complaints" which comes off like Opster's "management is fockin loving the show" misdirection. He literally came out and said it and argued with people about it in one of his stickies. How are you people missing this?

but fawkin whatevs.


I don't know this u/TheToolMan, I don't know what he does, but he sounds like a real pecka-sucka.

jk (I ain't brave)

Theyve left this post up to cover their reptilian tactics, but youre on the list now because youve opened your mouth.

In about 10 minutes you will get a knock on your door. When you try to leave through the back you will be jumped, bound, then mouthfucked by Joe Cumia.

Hey gang, let's all head down to The Max and hash this whole thing out. Whatcha say?

Would you say that he motherfucked you?

I think you're a beautiful and brave woman and I'm so sorry that you have been assaulted like this.

I want you to know that I would never remove anything of yours that you post in me. In fact, I'd sticky it on my front.

Who gives a flying fuck.

Go outside for 10 minutes and reevaluate things.

I've been outside before. Nothing out there but a bunch of trees and other gay shit.

Hey hey hey.