One of Johnny Cash's biggest hits is "A Boy Named Sue"

20  2018-01-18 by unclepaul84


No, i had no clue, thank you Uncle Paul!

One of Anthony Cumia's biggest hits is "Dani Golightly"

Breakin’ a girlfriend’s ribs ta-DAY!

Yet Ant wasn't as embarrassed when he cracked a girls ribs and bit her, as when he had consensual sex with a boy.

Domestic violence is much more acceptable in black culture. just ask Colin Flaherty.

He didn't seem embarrassed by the Dani thing at all, actually.

He would be too scared to hit a boy.

Does anyone know what Sue’s real name is?

I like Sue though. Good lad.

Hudson Hughes.

Sue Kalergis or something, if you mean what was before "Sue" then I dont think we know.

Someone said it in a post yesterday, can't remember tho

It is odd people don't use this for humor around here more

Shel Silverstein wrote that song for him.