Sam just admitted on air he likes learning until he gets to a concept that he doesn't understand then gives up trying

54  2018-01-18 by RamonFrunkis

I couldn't have described him any more perfectly myself.


So basically he doesn’t like learning.

Dis nigga got a F in evolution

Wish you retards would stop listening so those two know nothings would finally be booted off into absolute obscurity.

So he doesn't like learning then.

The concept of pride in one's appearance, he gave up on long ago.

I hope breathing is a concept one day he can no longer grasp

Sam woke up on the liberal side of the bed today

Let um in Sammy. I hate when he has to be a contrarian because he thinks that makes for more interesting radio. It seems to annoy Jim and he isn't self-aware enough to realize it

He felt the need to defend universities because he went to one, and majored in sociology.. Jim made a good point that kids at Berkeley didn’t get punished for rioting and not letting conservatives speak, but when some sorority idiot says “nigger” then she got booted. Sam couldn’t understand that you have to draw a line when you’re booting people for one thing over another.

Then explain his career in radio.

He's Gen-x age but a total millennial faggot that can't deal with an adversity. Except the adversity of carrying the weight of tits' tits all those years ago.

He's millenial age

That is true, he's in that weird year gap where he could be either depends how he acts. But we all know what he is and how he acts and what he is attracted to. Millennial piece a gawbage

Don't confuse his apathy with entitlement or blasé irony. He's definitely a Gen-X "slacker douche" who can't be bothered to learn anything of import beyond his own little knowledge bubble of wrassling, processed foods, sneakies, and celebrity gossip.

That is the opposite of learning. That's like Opie and his documentaries. Nothing useful can ever just be passively learned.




Don't forget Ku. Opie never will.

More like smokin' some dankumentrees getting fawkin zooted piece a garbitch

This mindset applies to everyone at some level. It's the reason we're not all great guitarists or artists. I don't understand why this retard thinks he's saying that makes him unique or interesting.

Spoken like a first class nobody.

I have no idea how y'all still listen to him

Nothing worth learning comes easy at first. Lazy faggot.

Isn't this everyone? Or am I just like Sam :(

Don't you get it, he needs solid colors and bright lights to keep his attention.

and muscle men in spandex

A part of me wishes he'd get into Scientology and never gives it up.

That explains his diet of only beige children's food