0  2018-01-18 by blackphilibuster


Humble brag

she needs to grow some balls

Ant would like that.

That girl's like 16. Take your dad's welding stuff off and do your homework you little bitch.

Tell her she's better do her fractions or Uncle Anthony is coming over

I would've thought whore. She's too chubby to be a dancer.

Damn where do you live where that's considered too chubby? Down here we have this.

That is grotesque.

What she's not mentioning is how almost every cuck from when she was in tech school to the job site has been tripping over each other to do something for her whether she needs it or not. I've been in the oilfield for years and men busting each other's balls is far worse than anything she could imagine. Besides, all she had to do is come up with a stupid comment like "Yah, I thought I recognized you, you cheap fuck!" to humiliate him. The other guys would've destroyed him with the slightest jab. Women can weld a pipeline as good as men but they can really suck at fitting in.

The only reason I'm funny and tolerable is because i work in a male dominated field. You can't be the "you gotta watch what you say around her" type

You’re a good egg for holding down a job.

should try holding down a man


I was bored, & this post inspired me to do:


and THIS

Not my best work, but we'll see were it goes.

Removed in under 20 mins. Impressive

I am also banned from that sub.

We've hit r/all so for those of you who are new here, your participation probably isn't welcome unless you consider yourself a feminist.

every fucking time. getting downvoted to oblivion isn’t enough, they make it against the rules to even question their horse shit.