Yes, this is real.

30  2018-01-18 by RBuddCumia


Gavin looks like a bad photoshop, but I think it's otherwise decent.

Cumming to a paywall near you!

They should just fuck each other on camera. It would be way more entertaining that whatever they're going to talk about.

That you Gavin?

i predict that the late addition of michael malice will ruin this episode only because anytime anything interesting is supposed to happen on ant's show something always fucks it up

ant gav and milo seems like a fine time

add michael malice and just why?

Probably to break up the conservative circlejerk with his anarchist viewpoints.

Reminds me of some drew struzan-style painting this professor I use to have had of him and his family done in the style of Raiders of the Lost Ark

It was as cringy as this

The AG show now?

The Anthony's Gay Show?

Fawwk yea !

Colin Fleherty deserves a cameo

He'd normally be up for some gay sex, but I called him and asked and he said no I replied but why Colin? He said "guess I forgot to bath"

He prefers his face buried in a big chocolate hellhole

That's gayer than a fanny pack full of Ken dolls.

That's how tranth pictures himself. He said when he was working in sheet metal in his 20s he'd day dream all day about he and his friends fighting aliens in spaceships. Very hetero.

too bad he cant find his fucking gun

Where's Artie?????

This sucks :::homer voice::::

Either that's a Photoshop, or TACS hired a really excellent procurement director and stunt coordinator to compose that shot.

With the success of the in-city studio, I'm constantly surprised with the level of excellence produced by Anthony's Media Empire, so I wouldn't be surprised if its the latter.

Oh, no, no, no, the studio in the city added nothing of value.

I love that the headshots they used include Corey Haim from The Lost Boys, the Cumiaize Photoshop filter for Anthony, and a jpg of Gavin taken by a Logitech 250 webcam lit by an endtable lamp.

Milo is the Icarus troll who flew too close to the sun. Now all he can do is the AA show.

This should be an interesting show, obviously reddit will clutch their anal beads because doesn't reinforce their leftwing political views.

  • brother joe
  • triggered soyboy mudslime

Soyboy is an ancient meme you out of it old man. The real limp wrists here will be Gavin and Ant for not bringing up how Milo ignored them until people stopped caring about his bit.

It's new to him damnit

*Shitty big band music starts playing

The entire sodomite wing of the alt-right

Anyone see Gavin do cocaine on camera during the show the other day?

This is very homoerotic

Really? I thought they looked tough and cool. Like you know these guys are gonna tell it like it is regardless of what the LIBERAL media would have you believe!

My opinion stays strongly unchanged by your counter argument in this debate

Fake. If it was real it would be filtered 20 times in photoshop.

Looks like a cover for the gayest Atari game ever.

Gavin is back at compound media?

guest hosting for Artie this week.

Artie is useless, that unfunny junkie. He should be canned and replaced

Think the whole network fits that description.

I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck that at least 3 of the 4 of them have had gay sex.

The Anthony's Gay Show?