This is why I hate Sam

39  2018-01-18 by badtanman

It would be nice if he stopped pointing out the obvious. Whenever a guest is telling a story, and they add a few details to it, he IMMEDIATELY has to re-iterate what has just been told in his own words for some bizarre reason: "So we went to the hotel at about 3am and there was a drunk a couple arguing in the lobby" "WAIT SO THERE WERE A BUNCH OF DISGRUNTLED PEOPLE IN THE HOTEL LOBBY AT THE EARLY HOURS OF THE MORNING?" Thanks Sam, couldn't have fucking figured that out on my own, you Neanderthal looking cunt


The question now is...How in the hell did he score Jess? Is Jess mentally retarded?

He somehow convinced her that he was going to make something of himself. She didn’t know he meant a pile of shit.

I could see Sam piquing the interest of some lass that was a big fan of comedy or WWE for the access to the performers and free tickets, but she seems to not be too zealous to interact with his professional funnyman friends, nor does she join him for the athletic displays of fake fighting.

he's probably on meth

"But chip! That's not how that works!"

Might I recommend investing in a diary, sir

But then we wouldn't get these gems.

no I wouldn’t consider these gems at all, quite the opposite really

Oh lit.. etcetera etcetera

I feel sick to my stomach now sorry

What would a farm full of cows do for him? dyslexic Opie

Sam is a simple man

I think Sam’s awful radio skills align with my theory that he has never had any friends outside of his coworkers. He has no social skills, is passive aggressive, has childlike hobbies and was brainwashed by his mommy into thinking he is a person of value.

He had friends, or have you forgotten Joon Your M’nt?

Hi presumably stoned rapper bandmates likely tolerated him solely because he could nominally operate computer-related recording devices and the related programming of ill beats.

Like his mentor Opie, Sam can't be funny on his own so he repeats something that was funny in his own words to take credit for it, or else people would see he is useless.

Actually, if he repeated funny things, that would be an improvement.

He need to listen his own voice on radio but has nothing to add, that's why.

So what are you going to do to stop him?

He said Westchester is the best chester about 3 times the other day. He says it with this confidence that is undeserved and unwarranted. That shit gets fucking old quick.

Or he feels the need to 'play dumb' and dispute a comment made by someone else that was obviously a joke or hyperbole.

Like Chip says: "I was so hungry I could have eaten the whole menu". And Sam says: "But that's impossible Chip, you couldn't possibly have eaten the entire menu!".

Just awful.

It would be nice if Sam's contribution to the show was kept to subtitles that he types rather than actual spoken words. It would feel great to know that the video is displaying an entire person that doesn't make it through my headphones.

no I wouldn’t consider these gems at all, quite the opposite really