Opie is now doing an even crappier bit where he is a “real estate broker”?

23  2018-01-18 by lolercakesmcgee


His downfall is truly depressing. Dont get me wrong i have no sympathy for opie, but at least ant and jim remained somewhat relevant.

To be fair Opie was irrelevant when he still had a show so this is really no change for him.

Very true. He just doesnt have the security blanket that was jim and sam.

I wisg his down fall was off the empire state building.

But that would kill him.

He meant to write "NYC Really Broke"

The unfunny dickhead has enough money to play pretend all he wants, that's what really sad. He probably never has to work again.

I think we're all waiting for some prenuptial agreement violation to give him that reality check.

0.0% chance he asked Lynsi to sign a prenub and she actually agreed.

Im not too sure man, in a pop up he mentioned he just hates his huge apartment in manhattan of 10 odd years and is desperate to sell, in a desperate attempt to admit he's going broke


It’s not huge by any stretch.

It isn't about him; it's about Lynsi. The only way he never has to work again is if she agrees to scale it way back/down.

Lynsi's still in her 30s. There's no way he saved enough money for her to live high on the hog for another 50 years, especially in Manhattan.

He is going to be selling his apartment soon when Linsy moves out.

She’s keeping the apartment. She loves the city, remember? He said he wants a suburbs house like where he grew up. Sans the extreme poverty of his youth of course.

A nice spacious 400 sq's with fancy optional extras like a bin cubby and double glazing

Of course she loves the city. All the stores to shop in and guys to fuck.

I hate him so much

What's that about a magician roller skating up stairs? How the fuck he gonna do that shit?

How much attention could one person possibly need?

He's no knickers part deux, that's for sure

Yarr! I nailed that one about houseboats, did you?!?

"I don't know the square footage, dickhead! I just started doing this yesterday, fuckface!"

"I'm really looking for someth-" " HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON Did you see the backyard it's faaaaaaawkin nice"

"You could put one of those uh...uh... uh.. a tree house back here. Where we at with the treehouses?"

to become a broker you have to work as a sales agent for a couple years first, and you need to be licensed to do both, and there is no record of anyone by that name holding either license in the state of n.y.

He’s trying to sell his apt and beach house he can’t afford them anymore

Does he still skate around in those fruit boots?

Tits can't stop losing

  1. There has to be some sort of training/licensing program that you have to go through to be a broker. How did he have time to read/learn all the material.
  2. If he is licensed, wouldn't there be some sort of registrar where people can look up this information.
  3. He must advertise, otherwise how would he get business.
  4. How do we use this to fuck with him?

Some sort of fraudulent misrepresentation, I hope.

Maybe report him to the NY real estate authorities?

You actually believe that's anything but the last desperate flailing of a sykapath?

Remember when he tried to pass off the bullshit that real estate agents won't use the term master bedroom anymore, so not to offend anyone? He based this on his vast experience of looking for apartments in the city.

I’m so glad I don’t remember this, but because I hate myself I would like a link.

To be fair Opie was irrelevant when he still had a show so this is really no change for him.

A nice spacious 400 sq's with fancy optional extras like a bin cubby and double glazing

Of course she loves the city. All the stores to shop in and guys to fuck.

0.0% chance he asked Lynsi to sign a prenub and she actually agreed.

I wisg his down fall was off the empire state building.