You know what duuude....

124  2018-01-18 by ShowMeWithYourMouth


Who knew Bobby had such a sexy ass?!

Is it possible to wipe that ass properly?

Dude is fining out fast.

There's gotta be Rogue hunks of shit here and there. And smears galore

That's okay, it won't show on that guy.

smell won't be much changed either

It wouldn’t be possible with a pressure washer

Hence the cleaning assistant I guess


...ya got your Luis Gomez sucking your dick, ya got your Will Sylvince eating your ass, and they both get to be on the show next week, boom.

Good to see Keith up and at 'em after the stroke.

Derosa loves to eat the booty.

It’s as if there are 3 Bob Kelly heads in that picture

I call it...


lol someone do this for stav from cum town


Why not?

Because it's icky


Where do you derive pleasure from a man's asshole? The experience just isn't conceivable.

He's black so you won't see the shit smeared on the sides of his face after he's done eating out of blobby's fart box.

Imagine the smell.

Fat bitches love pin-up girls, it gives them a reason to mash their tits together with reckless abandon.

And for some reason they all think Marilyn Monroe was some plus sized model, revisionist history so they feel better about what a hunk of shit they are.


can someone please tweet this to bobby. I have to know that he sawr it.

Fucking disgusting.

God is no longer with us.

Nice VHS collection and Nana knickknacks, fatso.

It's good to see that Keith Robinson is getting around more.

Im not going to lie, i was tugging my soft pecker a little browsing the sub and this legit got me hard