Mel Gibson live on JRE right now

18  2018-01-17 by DeclanGunn


Apparently the main purpose of this is for Mel's stem cell doctor friend to shill his magic treatments, with any luck they'll discuss something more interesting along the way.

This leather jacket wearer is PhD!!!!

That is some disturbing shit. This stem cell crap is absurd. 60 Minutes did an excellent piece on this, here.

That was a long time ago. Stem cells really doing amazing things. A lot of professional athletes gets stem cell treatments instead of undergoing surgery. A family friend has MS and underwent a stem cell procedure. And he just recently went for a check up and found out that his MS is in remission. A friend of mine at BJJ got a stem cell treatment for his elbow, and it fixed it.

This guy is a PhD and practicing in South America. Maybe those folks saw MDs at US hospitals, but this guy is a scam.

Meh. Most people with MDs are complete dolts anyway.

I couldn't disagree more. If you're an MD who got a degree in Barbados, then jump in a lake and die. Otherwise, if you went to an accredited US med school and are board certified, that is an accomplishment.

For the most part, excluding the hard sciences, getting into a PhD program isn't all that difficult. Considering the current outlook for tenured professor positions, it's essentially signing on to work as a slave for five years for a 25k stipend, only to try and get a gig in something completely unrelated or earn very little money -- for most, at least in 2018. Also, the system of "publication over replication" has relegated most social sciences to a system of thought homogeneity and utter futility.

Opie has breasts lol

Yeah, this might be the most dull thing I've ever listened to. Luckily I see a link to an older Dave Attell episode I haven't seen in the related videos, so I'm gonna watch that instead.

What else are you gonna do today?

Mostly playing Minion Masters. I'm ranked grandmaster in both solo and team.

2017 Jim Norton would dig the shit out of this.

That's how boring it is.

Is it as boring as Jim on YKWD last week?

Jim was on YKWD last week? Shit, must have been bad if it hardly popped up on here...

What the fuck is this? Are they filming a movie or something?

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

I deserve to be blown first before the midget interviews me!

wanna buy some stem cells first?

The first time I will listen to joe rogan, Mel Gibson is my idol!

Gotta love Mel. What a crazy fuck.

I'd love to see Mel give Joe a bat to the head.

I was excited, but it seems like there's nothing to see here so far. We'll never get another Alex Jones on episode 911.

This Dr. Faggot needs to put that fucking pen down.

Talking about some quack treatment. No thanks

Fake news award show from the Shitposter in Chief tonight as well.

fucking ZZZZ

Fuck this stem cell talk. Mel, where you at with the kikes, niggers, and russian cunts!?

See!!!!We need Ant to do this interview!'n

One of the worst episodes I've heard. Didn't see the whole thing but if Mel talked more than 5 mins total I'd be shocked.

Something awfully fishy about the stem cell fella.

Did he pay Mel to shill for him or something?

I don't know about Mel, I always thought he still had more fuck you money than he could realistically spend, might not be the case any more, but I do remember seeing some theories about Joe getting paid to have certain guests on. The guy actually had some good reasoning behind it, I can't remember exactly but there was a string of kinda shitty guests that all seemed a bit out of place, all in the same week or two, and the guy figured out that they all had the same talent agent, I think under the company that manages the UFC now. I mean, who the fuck knows if it's true, but I wouldn't be shocked. Joe's partner Aubrey is well known for doing shady shit. Something definitely seems off with this guy.

I came here for jacuzzi.

U give me rape.

Oh Melvin, I thought you say you want rape before jacuzzi. I fall asleep waiting for rape.

you go 10 years without a paycheck and two divorces. and see what you'll accept. and Mel was rich as shit after Passion, one of the richest guys in hollywood

About 40 minutes in and Riordan's already dodging questions about efficacy by citing how popular his articles are and how many times they've been downloaded.

No wonder they picked Rogan. He'll believe literally anything for exactly the amount of time he has a guest in studio. I'll check and let you all know if they update the Alpha Brain formula to include real, Panamanian stem cells (ethically sourced!)

Joe Rogan is as gullible as they come. He also sells than ONNIT snake oil. He probably believes at all works as well.

If he was a character in friends he'd be Joey.

The guy's an idiot.

How u doin? LOL... right?

Yeah and if he was a character on Newsradio he'd be Joe, amiright fellas?!

If he was on Fear Factor, fear would not be a factor for him!

At least he's not as bad as Rhonda Patrick. Either way, this shit is boring...

I was holding on to enjoying Rogan up until this interview. I'm done.

I listened to a few minutes of this. Can't be fucked to go on.

The entertainment gap between Radio Mel Gibson and Hot Mic Mel Gibson is so vast that you need astronomical units to measure it.

I have the same feeling as Bill O'Reilly about this interview. Fucking thing sucks!

Dog shit infomercial aimed squarely at the loaded.

Damn dude. That is the biggest get for a podcast Ive ever seen.

Open your eyes and you'll see more.

That cunt Maron got Obama while he was in office.

Mel's great but he aint shit.

Mel Gibson has a more interesting and tumultuous past than Obama. I understand he was the president but I dont care about what he has to say. Also I just love Mel Gibson movies

If you love Mel’s movies so much why don’t you marry them?

Seriously though, marry Apocalypto. It has a good heart, will always look good and doesn’t talk much.

I was gonna think of a witty reply but I realized you used a Chip like retort and told me to marry a motion picture.

It fucking stunk

Rogan didnt ask him any questions about all the crazy shit he has done?

Not a fucking peep. It was a 45 minute long informercial.

Thats kinda saddening. As I think about it though, Rogan was probably shocked he was able to get him on.

It was the same as seeing a really good friend after years apart, only for him to start pitching you on some pyramid scheme.

You know, what Opie is probably doing now.

Fucking boring, talking about stem cells for an hour before I tapped out.

Please tap again.

I hope Mel was blown before the isolation tank.

Borrrinnng. More like BLAVEheart.

('To blave' means to bluff)

Mel Gibson's dad actually started his own breakaway Catholic sect, and Mel had a church for this sect on the property at one of his mansions. Not sure what the specific theological split was over, but the Gibson brand of catholicism includes being pretty woke on the Jews, ie how antisemitism didn't just spring up out of nowhere all over Europe hundreds of times independently for no reason, and how the Jesuits are bad and the masons infiltrated and subverted the Catholic church to decrease it's influence.

If anyone knows who Michael E. Jones is, he's this semi-well-known Catholic historian, who is an apologist for a lot of Catholic history who is now gaining notoriety on the alt-right for talking about the Jews in realistic terms, and he is buddies with Mel's dad and interviewed him around the time the Passion came out and they're definitely on the same page about world Jewry. It's amazing Mel isn't crazier than he is.

Doesn't sound crazy to me, sounds like a great man.

Basically they believe there hasn't been a legit Pope since the 60's and that the new line of Popes have been far too modern and secularized.

Who gives a fuck? Why are you so giddy and happy for him to post it here? Fuck right off, queer! I'll report it for being off topic.