Nigger Status: Confirmed

44  2018-01-17 by im_not



What a shitty matching system, that man on the right has some dignity.

Fredrick Douglas is white compared to Anthony

He certainly was smarter, more articulate, more likable and actually even funnier than Anthony.

And he never, to anyone's knowledge, fucked a tranny and then beat up a retarded girlfriend half his age to keep her mouth shut about finding out.

I dare say he was rather uppity

Anthony? I agree.

Obama is 50% north west european white, which makes him whiter than Ant’s swarthy, north african berber ass

How dare you call Frederick Douglass that. He was nothing like that other guy.

i was waiting for some of these to pop out. what other ones are there

Quite niggardly.

Can confirm. Melanin level - nigger

The fucking nose is a replica

Anthony? I agree.