The Patriarchy Strikes Back

7  2018-01-17 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


He got away with it, we heard you

You are a faggot, we heard you

What drivel. Telling women they need to be able to say no, call a cab, and even initiate a confrontation is "preventing the conversation from happening". What a joke! Should Aziz have been forced to house a woman who didn't want to fuck him for the night? Is that the conversation? What exactly is this all important but elusive conversation we need to have?

'Conversation' is one of those words. It actually means 'we tell you what to do, and you do it'.

She looks like the next Mrs. Oswalt.

I didn't realize you could get a 5 o'clock shadow after a face transplant

What's the deal with so many chicks having lazy or crossed eyes these days?

You’ve just never noticed

ever notice that these incel feminists always wear this really contrasting red lipstick?

If the Open Bobs Send Vagene guy is their idea of the feared patriarchy holding them down they are going to have one miserable life.

Exactly the sort of hyperliberal shit I've come to expect from the New Republic. It was always a snobby site / magazine but in the last two years or so it's gone so far up its own ass that even Gavin McInnes wouldn't be able to find it.

When you have me (and guys in the O&A subreddit) defending Aziz, then your movement has failed.

is this about the new star wars or somthin