Women are faggots 11/100

34  2018-01-17 by TangerineReam


Notice how jew is in there twice

I could rip on Jews here, but I feel like only a woman would post something like this anyway.

This shit is courtesy of our good friends the jews

You didn’t know that the religion of Judaism is a very rare and exotic race?

I think anyone who tries to make any sort of statement with a tee shirt is a faggot, personally.

Fair enough. But these days, women are more likely to do it, like those stupid pussy hats during the women's march. Hence...

True true. I was thinking about the Mad Cuban and his endless "joke" shirts.


Even the shirts that Dr Steve sells for you dog that say "I love rimjobs"?

Dr Steve can do no wrong. He gets a pass.

He's truly the only decent person in the whole O&A universe

Not in Opie's mind. The fawkin guy went on Howard's show 6 months after Opie got fired, fawkin turncoat.




True. The only shirt that needs to make a statement was one I saw with the Trix Rabbit that said "Silly Faggot, Dicks Are For Chicks"

Still not as douchey as the "Check out the empties, man" or OpieRaqio shirts.

Wow that lady has and is surrounded by mental illness

They sure do love their labels, don't they?

You dont get bonus points for your godmother

Looks liks dad got the fuck out of there

Dad became mom I think

Yeah that sounds natural

Where can I get this shirt?


This cunt left out retards

Is she not going anywhere cause her legs don't work?


There's a special place reserved for her in the first boxcar

Women are such niggers.

The Islamification of the West has become a necessary evil.

No joke, I’ve seriously been thinking that Islam is the ass kicking that the western world needs right now

We won't have a say in it for long anyway. Those niggers are breeding like crazy and will have most of European ruined in the next 50 years

That's very specific.

this is the kind of bitch who probably likes a knife pressed against her neck while you’re fucking her.

Janice Soprano ass bitch

What's this broads twitter so I can tell her she sucks

Typical kike shit. We get it. Boo hoo

Not wordy enough

In reality, she is a JAP. Jewish American Princess. AKA the most privileged group of people to ever walk the face of the Earth.

where can i get that shirt

Oddly, I'm now a fan of matching people into gas chambers. I wasn't a minute ago.

What the fuck is a ashke nazi

Man, where did she find that very specific shirt!? I bet her mind was blown when she found it!!

How many soyboys compliment her shirt everyday?

PC police here. You are NOT disabled. You HAVE disabilities, mockey bitch.

People like that make me wish I was a Nazi, so I could piss them off

Question about Jews? Ashkenazi!

Where'd all the Jews go? Ashkenazi!

Dont give 2 shits whats on the shirt. How smug she is over it makes me want to belt that smirk off her ugly face.

I still want to hug her fat body and smooch her neck, then bite it and make Dracula sounds while she gasps for air and thrashes until it slowly stops with her bleeding out and me fucking her corpse. There won’t be any social media tattle taling after that rape.

Now THAT should be on a tshirt.

So brave

Tssss I’d wear my Im with stupid shirt and stand right next to her. Fawkin hilarious.

I think she is quite cute but something tells me she may not be an ideal wife and life partner.

I guarantee that she enjoys being choked during sex

Dipshits sure LOVE their labels these days.

A few years from now, dozens of kids in East Africa will be walking around in this t-shirt.

People with no identity often default to shit like race and sexuality for personality.

Ghandi would stone it.