So is Artie going to prison for 5 years or not?

7  2018-01-17 by littlepeteferguson

He said it on the show and they just passed right over it. What gives ?


Who knows? I am hoping they give him probation and be tested regularly for drugs and alcohol. If he fails he goes to the joint. He needs a threat like that to straighten him out.

keith will get him a get out of jail free card just like Ant

Really? Ant has no guns and no license right now. What the fuck is Keith good for if not that?

did Ant serve jail time?

Commissioner? The fuck is this Batman?

haha he was tho, at least thats what Ant said one time to Vos


i don't think he'll be alive in 5 years, so i'm saying no.

5 years Art or a. suspended sentence with indefinite probation. Weekly drug tests.And outpatient rehab. Mandatory NA meetings.he'll never make a month before he violates,then State Prisons long dummy