Anthony Cumia Unironically: These comedians start talking about politics and it's awful! And you're thinking I paid for this shit!

179  2018-01-17 by ForceBangPow


I think everyone is tired of politics in entertainment

He said this while shitting on Chappelle. Cuck Dave Smith made some comment about how he liked Dave Chappelle when he use to do comedy. He must hate himself more then we hate him.

Then they played a clip of Gavin doing stand up after he said it was easy. He lasted about 2Mins of bombing until he went full Bert Kreisher and whipped his dick out.

He was shitting on Chappelle? Why? I though Ant would have liked his last special.


He liked the first half of it until Chappelle started talking about white people.

So why was he mad?

Have you ever watched Anthony Cumia before?

But Ant’s not white. Surely he knows this by now.

He’s been a snowflake ever since he got took for his 50 cents as a little boy.

“Everything is funny until it happens to you.”

Remember when Ant made fun of Mancow for doing the "hack" move of reinventing himself as a political talkshow host.

i member.

Turd? TURD!?!

Yeah but Ant got to compliment ManCow and tell him he was doing a good job.

It's like how Anthony always complains that black people "automatically make everything about race" when he himself constantly is making everything about race.

Well...(insert bad True Romance reference)

And his name should be crimia for all the crimes he committed and got caught for

on yesterdays compound show


He probably doesn’t consider his racism political

Or he just doesn't consider his show to be comical.

"I'm still hilarious."

"...awlright "

Its just a way of life

You see, it's only annoying if he disagrees.

He doesn’t realize this is how the vast majority of his former fanbase feel about his show & Compound media.

even if you agree with his opinions, it sucks. I'd rather just listen to mark levin or some other asshole for that shit.

he needs opposing views on the show.



That's the thing about the Alt-Left and the Alt-Right. Everything each side believes in is an affront to the other, whether they're currently expressing those beliefs or not. Their very existence is an insult to one another.

This is why I expect Ant to be dead or in jail within 3 years. He just keeps getting more extreme, despite his friends' advice. Doubling-down on everything he's doing wrong because, well, that's what the 'alt'-types do. Anything less would be a sign of weakness, in their mentally ill minds.

Accuse comedy of being too political. Your "comedy" show is just 2 hours of incoherent political rambling.

Whine about Howard Stern constantly. Hire his washed up heroin junkie ex co-host.

Crusade against Hollywood and Washington pedophiles. Actively pursue teenage girls.

Support free speech and oppose political correctness. Get bullied by teenage twitter trolls and try to get them banned.

He must have a very fit mind for an old man given his daily mental gymnastics routine.

It sounds like Anthony might be a bit hypocritical.

Oh literal Literal _Jim

Hang on. Are you implying Anthony Cumia isn't a good person?

He's charitable tho been sending those in need free iPads

And also quite the kid fucker


How did Ant whine about Howard constantly?

While back in the day that was more Opie's thing, after he started hanging out with all the radio rejects from Howard's show he started bitching about Howard.

What did he say? I know what Artie and John have said. What did Ant say?

Oh god get over it

That seems rather light. Are you sure he was saying that about Howard?

Search YouTube - lots of old O&A clips of Opie obsessing over Howard and Ant usually jumping in pretty hard.

The great thing about Ant's bitching is that it used to be FUNNY. Ant was really good at taking Opie's dead end rants and extracting something funny from them. Like his Hoo Hoo Howard bit.

If Ant was still funny, he'd create a Colin Flaherty impression.


I don't remember him saying that.

Ant had a lot of surly comments through the years. "He stinks and I don't like him," is one I remember clearly.

"I love tranny cock" -Anthony Cumia

Ant did plenty of it "back in the day" as well. Opie was far worse though.

Most of the hate definitely came from Opie, but Tranpa likes to twist the narrative to make it look like he also wasn't angry about Stern and didn't shit on him.

And it's weird politics: Gavin is the guy who founded that bizarre 'Proud Boy' cult that's based around masturbation and Cernovich has a thing about gorilla dicks. And the less said about the guy who Ron Bennington destroyed, the better.

Do teenagers really know about him? He was already a few years into XM when they were born.

Anthony "Traditional Values" Cumia

Now he knows how his listeners have felt for the last 10 years. It's one reason why they lost fans, even before the firings.

He's about as self-aware as Opie.

At least his partner isn't only with him for his mone...

But Opie isn't self aware at all I thought?

Really? He got a multitude of hair follicles surgically implanted so he would be balding anymore.

Zero self awareness. You think he thinks he's handsome? He probably angles his head in the mirror and gives himself fuck me eyes. "Yea I'm one suave looking alpha male. Look out ladies!"

Pretty sure than Ant, like Artie, has accepted his repulsiveness by now. And like Artie, he doesn't care. He knows there are dumb tarts willing to sleep with him for his fame alone, it makes him hate the women he fucks even more.

Both these men are just ugly, gaseous balls of greasy hate waiting to die, and they're going to keep hurting everyone around them until they do.

No fucking way. The only thing that sets him off as much as Sue Lightning are the pockmark comments. He's fine about his friends joking about his follicles because he genuinely thinks they look good. He hates his pock marks, and when the only person with enough courage to mock them (faggot Stuttering John) did so, he responded by calling his kid retarded and fucked up.
Ant's so steamed by his pocks that he thinks it's tantamount to attacking your kids.

I thought the same thing at first, but to be fair you know what you are paying for with Compound Media. Political talk is a major component

But he "isn't an alt right show."

He doesn't put on an all right show either tss

Atleast bring on some guys that can say interesting shit. Why Dennis Miller for example?

I still think the episode where he brings bill nye on as a guest and nick decaprio just shits in him for an hour is one of the best podcast moments.

yes. there have been about 4 or 5 good shows .

I didn't know Leonardo had a brother

He sounds pretty lost, to me.

"got lost"

"got lost?"

"got lost?"

"got lost?"

What made Ant's ramblings listen-able on O&A was opposing viewpoints. Ranging from Patrice and Burr telling him off heatedly to many people mocking his comments/stances but not actively debating him on them. Compared to now when he brings on completely likeminded people so they can take turns saying something they know the other person agrees with and waiting for a "yup, that's exactly right", cue half hearted head nods.

Whichever side of the aisle you land on this shit should be unwatchable.

Even back in the day, when he ranted unopposed he was (usually) still funny. He just isn’t funny anymore.


Yes. And he was the same guy who made fun of Steiner for telling the same cardboard glove story 2 or 3 times.

And what way was that, Anthony?

Got lost?

You can cancel your subscription.

I can't cancel my mental illness.

You can cancel your life.

Don't be mad.

How about instead of white knighting Cumia you scurry back to your subreddit dedicated to him or actually read some comic books instead of just obsessing over the shitty movies, you fucking casual?

Oh nos someone went through my post history.

Eat a bullet faggot.

Go squeeze into a XXL Captain America shirt from Target, Roland.

Will you have your mom buy me one when you send her there to get you more chicken nuggets?

What's the matter, spend all your welfare money on Compound Media this month and need a handout?

LOL sure let's go with that. Say hello to your mother for me.

I document it

Got lost....?

Fuck this and Fuck him. There is a reason I never had any interest in subscribing to his bullshit network.

He's not a standup comic or former stand up comic, he's a radio host.

Back when the political climate didn't encroach on comedy he did comedy. Now he can't without getting fired. It's pretty cut and dry.

I'll repeat myself but: Opie, Anthony and Jim are really just the same car model but with different options.

in the full quote, he's 100% correct. He said you're sitting there paying for someone to say straight white men are garbage and to be berated by the performer and audience.

I've been through that experience repeatedly in classrooms, shows, and even bars or restaurants. It's true, why would you pay for that? Ant might be talking politics, but he's not insulting audience. Big A and bobo are arguably white.

And if you are anything other than what they consider "conservative" than they are shitting on you. They aren't even real conservatives. They think like overly emotional women. Real conservatives, like libertarians or even anarcho-capitalists are for small government or no government. They aren't even for that. They just vaguely want us to live "like it was when I was a kid." that is their retarded version of conservatism.

but when they were a kid, taxes were fucking higher. businesses were paying more in taxes. and everyone was in a union.

they yearn for a more liberal time and they don't even know it.

conservative/liberal isn't an identity, it's an ideology. and they're not an auditorium of people applauding white/male genocide (which I've sat in), they're a couple of guys saying they think non-conservatives are stupid.

I paid thousands of dollars to sit through my non-STEM classes and hear about procedures for helping illegal immigrants, how white people should be replaced because they have no culture, and how "PoC voices and lived-experiences" should be elevated above white/male perspectives. These are mainstream ideas and they're echoed by comedians in the culture.

you trying to tell me that Anthony does anything equal to that to his subscribers, you phony?

you trying to tell me that Anthony does anything equal to that to his subscribers, you phony?

If they're black? Yes.

I paid thousands of dollars to sit through my non-STEM classes and hear about procedures for helping illegal immigrants

why did you take such shitty classes? i went to uni for stem and took fun electives like philosophy and jazz. it sounds like you signed up for political science classes or some other faggotry.

you trying to tell me that Anthony does anything equal to that to his subscribers, you phony?

yeah. i bet a lot of his subs tolerate the politics because they want his non-political shit -especially the people who came for Artie.

the same way you tolerated that bullshit because you wanted to learn STEM.

History was my minor, it was a mixed bag. I covered everything from China to Latin American history. Mostly that shit only came up with Latin America, my English classes, and my electives that included art/creativity. Sometimes it was professors but mostly from students. If it's from the students, sometimes it would even come up in my science classes.

But, again, politics is not identity. His point in the quote you used was that you'd have to pay to have your identity insulted. As for his black subscribers, I'd venture to say that they probably identify more with a Taleeb Starks and view the black people Ant talks about as an Other. That seems to be his entire worldview.

politics is not identity.

So your beliefs are not integral to your identity, but your skin color is?

absolutely it is. My hair and skin color are 100% part of my identity. They're unique wherever I go, and I am defined by them. Just like I'm defined by the rest of my biology. Those are things about me that cannot really be changed and seriously affect how I participate in the world.

Political stances can be changed and are an idea, not an experience.

So if someone looked exactly like you, but held completely different beliefs then their identity would be the same as or similar to yours?

And if your brain was put in someone else's body your identity would completely different?

I see the body as part of our identity, but not the key part.

I'm a very specific subset of "white" though. Your identity as a white person fits into a larger mosaic of possible identity and cultures that allows you to see it all as some malleable thing that you can enter or leave at any time and it's almost academic because nobody ever really notices that part of you.

If you were a very recognizable minority within white people, or a minority outside of white, then you'd see your skin color as an inescapable central part of you. In a purely Japanese or Ethiopian part of the world, maybe ideas and associations are enough to start drawing divisions in people. But in large mixed countries skin, culture, and language are an important part of identity. Though I personally see culture and language as not very important because those are pretty much changeable ideas as well, not something part of you but rather handed to you by people that existed before you.

So, a person with different beliefs but the same physicality as me would be a variation upon the same identity, sure. My brain would depend upon at what time it was shifted to another body or if it was another body from the start of life.

Big A and bobo are arguably white.

How is this downvoted?

Ant never said he was a comedian.

He has actually slipped up and referred to himself as a comedian several times. Hell he even did a roast.

even if you agree with his opinions, it sucks. I'd rather just listen to mark levin or some other asshole for that shit.


His show really is like a broadcasr of the rants n raves from a VFW hall.