Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact Bobo's mom was atleast an 8?

4  2018-01-17 by SpaceVC


She's a 5 at best. And when you factor in her polluted womb she is dropped down to a 2.

And what the fuck is wrong with her right leg?? Look at the way it's folded under her in the pic and has that seam running down it and some odd swirl pattern on the side closest to Bobo!! Bitch got some medical issues!!

You are very easily impressed


an 8?!

An 8 to a Long Island tin-knocker circa 1994, maybe.

I like shitty, trashy girls who snort coke when they're pregnant, leave me alone.

This isn't an attempt at a hacky joke, my ex wife in all seriousness just recently became single again

an 8 what?

I 8 fuckin' lunch, cocksucka dvv dvv


Where Cleveland?

Italian or spic?

Hasn't Bobo said his grandpa was from Nicaragua? She's probably half white half Honduran.

So nigger got ya

You're trying too hard...

I knew I was close.

sh'e a 6 due.

She's FOR SURE a 7.4, I won't accept a debate.

She has good looking face and a average body, the scale 1-10 is a package deal. She's bangable, that's about it. Also she is missing a leg.

She looks like any Nicaraguan cleaning woman who thinks it's acceptable to knock WHILE opening the hotel room door and yelling

How many times have they totally accidentally caught you jerking off while you were filming it?

Far too few

She is bang average 15/30

I wonder at what age Bobo tried to stick his tiny raging dick in her because it's definitely happened at some point.

I’m starting to think Bobo’s dad wasn’t on our side when fought in Nam... Couple of Victor Charlie lookin mugs

She's a NY 5, Bobo's sister on the the other hand, much closer to an 8.

I'd fuck'm both.

What happened to his dad? I know he said he died, but how did it happen

A Gavin 8.

She's not a man.

Maybe in Secaucus

She’s a six, dude, and when you meet her son bobo she becomes a negative four.

An 8? Wow ur a fag and a retard. She's a 4 at best. Looks like a days Inn maid

I'm a faggot and a retard for thinking a woman is attractive? You post on MGTOW you fucking loser, I promise you've never even seen a woman in person.

lol sensitive faggot. yeah you are a fag and retard even more so for lashing out like a chump by trying to go through my history. ur probs a jew or an english faggot.

lol sensitive faggot. Yeah you are a fag and retard even more so for trying to shame me for where I post. Luckily, I am not a fag or a retard, like you, so it's cool.

You are the type that makes a Bobo, you think his mom was hot and would fuck her. and she would shit out another dunder head Bobo II. So, cool.

That is an ugly fucking kid.

He really hasn't changed much, has he?

Hasn't Bobo said his grandpa was from Nicaragua? She's probably half white half Honduran.

She has good looking face and a average body, the scale 1-10 is a package deal. She's bangable, that's about it. Also she is missing a leg.