No ragrets about asking for money.

40  2018-01-17 by Dennyislife


It would feel great to cum in her but given the distinct possibility of a dunce falling out of her clam 9 months later, I'd have to slit her throat during coitus just to be safe.

My book is gonna be called Fake Name, Fake Story or How I Avoided Being A Parent.

It should be called "No Girl Would Ever Fuck Me, or How I Avoided Being A Parent."

Little itty bitty titty ass bitch

To this day "itty bitty titty committee" makes me laugh.

Especially the fact that Chip said Lauren's in it

Should have taken that GoFundMe money and gotten herself some fawwwkin tits

Quick! Someone tell Ant she has a penis

Bobes' sister kinda got them child bearing hips. She needs some cum in her, stat.

cum in her

Preferably not, we know the Kurlan family is genetically predisposed to producing waterheads.

Exactly, so she might be more inclined to get that little fucker sucked out.

I'd still put it in her shitter. But I'd hide my wallet. That family steals, you know.

What? (((Them?))) Ya kiddin'!

Meh .... A flatso with decent face and wide hips. I stick to the gangly lanky woMans that Ant Jimmy partake in

I think she's sexy, but this is a very unflattering picture.

Nevertheless, it's incredibly disturbing that Bobo, who obviously collects SSDI, feels somehow responsible for the family's financial situation. The man is much dumber than I thought, yet seems burdened by this nonsense. What a horrible woman that Mom is.

You can tell from her tone of voice when they call her that Bobo’s mom is a cunty, angry, bitter woman, and also apparently very dishonest.

I’d be angry at the world too if my child turned out to be a dead-eyed babbling nincompoop, but that doesn’t excuse the scam she’s running.

Jim helping out his fellow scammers. Guilty conscious for his "cartoon".

Bobo spent a half hour explaining how Shannon manages all the gofundme money. Then that lying fuck Aurora gets on the phone and says there's no way Bobo or Shannon could touch the money, having not heard the segment since nobody gives them free Sirius anymore.

We say 'mum' here now. This is a British sub.

Is it. Do you say “pupper” too? Eeeeyuck.

Eat your lentils and shut up.

She is sexy, in the “young enough to have an attractive body without trying” kind of way.

Exactly, once she hits 30 and keeps drinking and eating the way she is, she'll turn into flatso mess.

She is 100% a flatso mess in this picture to me. She's got the torso of a bloated carcass.



This is what we get for the "An unfortunate mishap" GoFundMe money. Great.

I'll give to her gofundme if she agrees to send me nudes and dirty emails.

Bouta have an unfortunate mishap in my pants


I hope none of you creeps actually post anything on her pictures.

DId Ant take the pic?

Ah yes the "fridge" physique.

All too familiar.

She gonna be a flatso in a few years

Who is this chick? What's the back story? Another GoFundMe crook ala Jim Norton/Bobo/Von?

Bobos sister

How did the same uterus that churned out Bobo, also create her? wtf

Oh you'll see. In a few years those two will be indistinguishable.


she almost has bobo's body

His tits are bigger.

I hope an iceberg hits her plane.


She's a Instagram model of the retarded grade.

So is she trying to be an instagram model now?

This bitch has no titties or ass.

Still has a mouth and cunt

Succinct point

Shes going to Switzerland soon, one of the most expensive places in the world.

An extremely unflattering picture, I thought she was better looking than that. Anyway, regardless of whether or not this is merely a bad picture of her, she is doomed to be fat by 30. Maybe even earlier than that, it’s just her body type. She’s not going to put in the work. Fuck, I give her three more years before she’s a tub.

No regrets about that beer gut either.

Bitch took the picture down. Any of you niggas have a mirror?

Dead link.
Archive, you spergs?

You can tell from her tone of voice when they call her that Bobo’s mom is a cunty, angry, bitter woman, and also apparently very dishonest.

I’d be angry at the world too if my child turned out to be a dead-eyed babbling nincompoop, but that doesn’t excuse the scam she’s running.

We say 'mum' here now. This is a British sub.

All too familiar.

My book is gonna be called Fake Name, Fake Story or How I Avoided Being A Parent.