Anthony making the traditional Cumia family spaghetti sauce.

78  2018-01-17 by TinKnockinMoroccan



He even saved a few whole root vegetables for his anus.

"Waste not want not and by the way I'm a total fucking nigger," that's what Nana Anthony always says.

"Turnips are nature's buttplugs." Anthony Cumia.

Wall sauce.

nothin like some turnips to really give it that POP

That looks like rus/ukr soup called Borshch.

Baba Yaga ass nigga

This cumia bashing is getting out of hand

His mother's gravy has nothing on our lentil soup.

Looks more like jim tbh

Spaghetti Spook

Ant in top health

“I like to make a duck toe nail pan sauce. Mmmmm thats the best pawt”