I hate people who talk about how they've "quit drinking" or how awesome being sober is.

25  2018-01-17 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I don't mean legitimate alcoholics who stopped because they had a problem. I'm talking about people who say shit like, "Yeah, I was just bored with it. I haven't had a drink in 5 days and I feel soooo much better." Let's see if you're still sober in 5 months, pal.


Sounds like someone needs a drink

is this a pro drinkin thread?

I don't listen to Bill Burr anymore but this was his go to subject all the time.

"I quit the ol' booze. I'm crushing waters and go hiking dude and I feel incredible! I needed the break man, I was getting that big old boozy head"

Yeah we get it faggot. Nia banned you from having your nightly bottle of Coors Light.

The funniest was Bert Kreischer. During sober octobert, he kept saying how good he felt. How he didn't think he was going to drink again. Not he's back to 40 drinks a day.

It's a lie, anyway. I take a month-6 weeks off every so often and never feel any different.

It's quite similar to those keto guys. They say they feel amazing and don't miss carbs yet post pics of a cheat day that includes solely carbs and obsess over them.

The only benefits I find from being booze free is that my weight drops but it's mainly very boring and I find myself day dreaming about downing cold beers.

I find myself day dreaming about downing cold beers.

People talk about stopping weed so they can get their tolerance. But I think about not drinking so I can have the feeling of the first 2-3 beers after being sober for a while. Nothing is ever as delicious.

I went on the blood sugar diet for 6 weeks last year. No carbs or alcohol. Worst time of my life. The first thing I did when it ended was go to a bar and order a beer. It was fucking incredible. I just sat with a stupid grin staring at this beer. The instant gratification and satisfaction was truly special. I've never looked back since.

To be fair, eating McDonalds and KFC 3 times a day then having cake and ice cream whenever I want would also "feel" good, but I'd turn into an unhealthy mess and probably die soon. Eating healthy doesn't "feel" good, but it's scientifically proven to be good for you.

Just because things feel fun or good, doesn't mean they're good for you. The extra calories and sugar, the water you're not having because you're drinking alcohol are all bad for your body regardless of how they "feel". You may not care now, but I'm sure obese drunks who ruined their bodies or lives may feel different.

I personally see no rational reason to drink regularly, just bad reasons like addiction, underlying personal issues, mental problems, not caring about your health, having no hobbies, etc.

Well that's all pretty much common sense. Drinking regularly is perfectly fine in most countries. The French have wine with their dinner, Spanish drink beer and shots throughout the day etc. It's countries like USA, Ireland, UK that have a predominant amount of alcohol abusers for whatever reason.

They say they feel amazing and don't miss carbs

Or when they try to say that their whey protein/stevia/almond flour concoction is "even better" than real cookies.

sober octobert

I hate that you know that's a thing

Idk i feel great after a week sober. It doesnt ever last much longer than that tho.

Congratulations on not being able to handle alcohol like most of us, then making it a central part of your identity. Really failing upward.

Maybe I should go AA and become a stand up comic.

Worked for Stanhope

I wish I could quit drinking beer. I have a hard time with the idea of going to AA and saying "it's making my hopes of a summer six pack just a pipe dream"

I cringe whenever Jim Norton brings up how bad alcohol is for you. You went overseas to bang a tranny, don't give me advice.

anytime Jim and alcohol is brought up in the same sentence is cringe.

People don’t go out to bars and socialize as much today. Plus, it is too expensive to drink at a bar and that is where many of the beginners learn to drink before they buy a plastic gallon of vodka to drink by themselves at home.

I got "bored with it" after age 21 and I'm still sober years later. 5 months isn't that long. Just stop being such a weak-willed nancy faggot cuck boy.

Aside from occasional tolerance breaks, I have no desire to be sober. But if you want to be, it's really not that hard.

I'm just sick of people who jerk themselves off over something that is barely an accomplishment. Then they justify it with a bunch of lies.

Reality can suck. Booze/drugs help. Puuriod! Yo Erock! Where we at with da sobriety?


Add more insults.

Removing face bloat is a real reason to take a break from drinking. Bill Burr is the first I've ever heard address it. But it makes you look like shit.

What is worse? Alcoholics or junkies?

I say alcoholics, because everyone drinks, but only they make it fuck up their life. It's a sign of weakness.

Sober people are the worst.

I think people constantly talk about their consumption of alcohol is just as annoying. It's like Doug Benson with his weed.

I'm on day 47 of sobriety after drinking every day for 15 years, it helps that I have to report to the courthouse to take a breath test twice a day.

I think maybe that's partly to keep themselves motivated. It's like when people start going to the gym and talk about how great it is, how it's fun with friends, etc., otherwise they might stop.

It doesn't bother me, as someone who legit has no interest in drinking and never got drunk (though I sometimes have wine with dinner when my girlfriend wants). If you feel that the world is so terrible you need to fool your brain into thinking it's different for a few minutes, good for you. If you don't, good for you. When you're sober again, you'll realize nothing actually changed, you didn't get over your problems, and the world is the same as always, so I never saw the appeal.

It also goes both ways, how often do you hear people talking about how much fun they had "partying" (ie, sitting around drunk doing nothing) every single weekend from every young person ever? They're never original, never the first to have done it, never different than anyone else, never as fun as they think they were, etc. That also can be annoying, and it happens a lot more often than sober/recovering people talking about their thing. At the end of the day, people talk about whatever they're into, so it's normal.

I quit drinking for a few weeks. It was boring as hell and most of my friends just got on my nerves.

I don't drink because alcohol ruins the other drugs.

I can relate to Norton. After police chases, waking up a state away with a pistol and $5,000 cash in my jacket not knowing how I got there, waking up next to a stripper holding a meth pipe asking me what’s for breakfast, eating a black crack heads pussy, smoking in a Barnes and Nobles thinking it’s s a bar then getting arrested, smashing into a parked car, and waking up covered in blood on a layer of broken dishes - I can say, Norton having a bud light and making a prank call hits close to home. Stay strong, Jim.

Going ony 6 weeks. Blow me.