Things Ron Bennington Doesn't Think Are Real 1/100,000,000

2  2018-01-17 by piggyboi


They good bois. They dindu nuffin!

Nothing to see here folks just a man trying to paint these teens in a bad light.

Just a lot of that "poverty" Ron was talking about.

Fucking savages.

Some needs to calmly tell them to behave.

some faggots on this sub: wite pipo do it too!

Fuck you nigger.

"The only person who is willing to fuck you is too lazy to jack off."

Are you that much of a queer that you have to make this humorless alt account to try to make racism look bad? Kinda like jews that spray paint swastikas on their houses to make people think they really are a victim.

faggggggy shit if ive ever seen it

Anyone see this on the national news? Me neither.

Of course it’s not national news. Most murders don’t even make national news.

But it would if this was 3 white teens beating on a black man.

Not necessarily. A quick google search found this from a few weeks ago and this wasn't national news. Granted it was only one white guy beating up a couple of black teens for talking to a white girl, but still:

Dog bites man. Not news worthy.

Man bites dog. News worthy.

Those coons look like they were in The Warriors

Sam's take on this whole thing - "Those boys are going to be in for an eye opener when that kid comes back next week and his music starts playing and he comes out with 2 new tag team partners to exact revenge on his foes. THIS Sunday!"

Guess he forgot to laff.

But, but, what about poverty?

Ronnie knows the deal.

This gave Colin Flaherty such a fucking hard-on that cum is oozing down his right leg.

Another thing Ron Bennington doesn't think is real: daughters who can support themselves.

Another thing Eastsidedan doesn't think is real: having a family or friends.

What a great schoolyard comeback, you queer.

Another thing Eastsidedan doesn't think is real: soap or bathing.

How many alts do you have, two? Piggyboi?


Another thing Eastsidedan doesn't think is real: a woman having an orgasm.

Another thing Eastsidedan doesn't think is real: tooth brushes or dental appointments. Those are for sissys!

Hoo hoo, a poverty of ethics.

i always wondered about the "poverty" argument. if that was the case and this was all socioeconomic then why arent the counties in eastern KY and western VA/WV rife with violence and murder and violent murder. those motherfuckers still trade moss and shit, but the murder rates in those counties is still lower than the national average.

It’s because they are all too busy with their routines of meth and opiate addiction, and being on “disability.”

yet they still manage not to act like chimpanzees like your nigger ancestors


the question answers itself

Guys - we don’t know the backstory here. He might have stood on their J’s or something.

I know that Colin guy is a piece of shit, but fuck Ron, too. Good but overrated fake tough guy with shit opinions on damn near everything outside music. He’s a fat has been.

How do three guys with complete domination not even knock that guy out? What a bunch of fucking pussies

Nigga, should have returned the Tropic of Capricorn on time.

Black shirt is doing a great carlton

Where's the hat?

Little hoodrats can’t punch for shit. You know if that dude actually swung back they would’ve scattered but instead he laid on the floor and begged for mercy.

Ron loves the niggers.

Have to come to the /controversial/ sectin of the sub to find this now. Christ, once these fucking commies and niggers infest your place they fuck it up beyond recognition and it never goes back.