The studio in the city is finally paying off.

107  2018-01-17 by cbanks420lol


u/applebonfire posted a picture of this douche with the caption "people don't think government be like it do, but it is"

Yes sir


one of my best laughs of 2017, thanks

You’re a sweet boy.

Could've sworn you were gonna compare his eyes with Dave smith's

compared to the last few guests. Ill take it.

I want Ron vs. Colin Flaherty again.

I doubt Colin will be returning.

won't see him no more

You'd think their Photoshop guy might try to fix up the wonky eyes, but no.


what the hell dude it's artistic, you unwashed pleb.

Can you believe they pay a guy to run headshots through filters?

those paintbrush filters aren't going to apply themselves

Who is this fag?

this guy uses his girlfriends chin as a letter opener/spatula

Dave Smith and you are about equally as amusing. Are you Dave?

An angry Louis J. Gomez impersonator



Those vacant eyes...

Like a fawkin dolls eyes or somethin! Idk u go

More like vacan eyes...can of garbage

What an irritating, unfunny and unlikable fag of a man this guy is.

I can’t wait to hear the political insight of this local funny man

So where we at with the taxation, Dave?

"Taxation? You mean stealing?! That's literally what it is, the government has a fucking gun to your head. Pay up bitch or we'll fucking kill you!"

He is genuinely terrible

Was just watching Ant's gay show and this faggot had the nerve to joke that "Dave Chappelle used to be a comedian." This faggot's act stinks.

Used to be? Chappelles Netflix specials prob rank 1-4 in top 5 specials in the past 5 years

Chappelle used to be a funnyman. Now he's a black hack.


Daves nose vs Laurens Chin, what a battle

There are a handful of people who actually buy the political books Dave Smith recommends and tweet pictures of them to him, saying thanks

It's hard to comprehend being that worthless

Ant thinks he’s being hip and appealing to a younger audience, Dave thinks he’s getting on a successful show that will help his career. Both men are mistaken, both men will fall.



Even his fucking name exudes the essence of boring

He PICKED this name. He's a Jewish fella. John Doe probably sounded too ethnic to him so he went with this.

Gotta trick the goys somehow

I liked this episode. Dave gets more hate than he deserves. I'm not a fan or anything either. He's harmless.

...b-b-but Lauren quit Jim's horrible p-podcast!1

It really is pathetic how people here still shit on the dude for not wanting his girlfriend to have sexual comments made to her by a disgusting spineless worm who takes loads of mentally ill men's cum up his asshole and regularly turns on his friends.

people don't hate him because of that, all that did was put him on the radar. he's not funny and his smugness is annoying

Top production quality here. This is what happens when you get a maid/fired-cop/faggot to run your business for you.

Background noise.

Like a fawkin dolls eyes or somethin! Idk u go

won't see him no more