It actually does bother me that Artie's "friends" don't give a fuck and thought it would be funny to do drugs when he came back.

65  2018-01-16 by ForceBangPow

They really are classless.


I think they made it pretty clear that they are already sick of Artie’s shit. Artie has no friends except for maybe Dan Fallato. Anyone that collaborates with him seems annoyed and indifferent to his plight. Guy is a disaster.

Stern sincerely liked him and is obviously hurt by his actions. Stern almost cried when Artie said he wasn't his "bro" ffs, Then Artie fucked that up.

Howard would maim Robin with Fred if it meant more fame and money. He’s got no loyalty and certainly doesn’t sincerely like anyone.

It doesn't seem that way to me. He seems to care about Robin and Fred. I don't see any evidence to the contrary.

Oh, ok Howard Stern is above reproach. I think it is clear what happened to this sub. I thought I left all of you faggots back on Wushdeeshmin.

How do you get howard is above reproach out of "i think he cares about these two individuals" you blithering ass

So.. reproach? Or no?

‘Blithering ass’? Do you think that is clever/funny/insulting? It is none of the above, it is trite dogshit. What did you hear that in a Monte Python sketch? It reaks of someone dumb trying to sound smart.

Also, follow the comment chain. Does it look like I was responding to the shit blurb that you are quoting from?? Hmm, no I’m not. I know your new here and all but catch the fuck up.

Im not very used to reddit's visual format and think i misread it. Gonna have to take the L on this 1

I agree with this, Howard was seriously rocked by the suicide attempt especially the gruesome details. Then he probably felt some guilt for the way Artie's addiction was a focal point of the show's entertainment. Howard is more like a shock jock father figure at this point.

But Artie has been a public mess for so long it's hard to feel any compassion anymore. He keeps fucking up and keeps getting more chances. The AA show gave him another "chance" - admittedly a shitty one - and he pissed all over it. I don't feel bad for Anthony & Keith but I don't feel bad for Artie either. These guys are all shitbags with too much money.

Fucking millionaires and their drama- Rich Vos

This rich vos guy really hits it on the nose

yea he should change his name to Rich Wisdom.

Howard did the honorable thing when he realized Artie would never change. He made sure that he wasn't going to get more stern show money to kill himself with.

Because the Stern show pays a lot. Or so everyone who's been on it has said. /s

Stern cried interviewing Jodie Foster.

Stern is a faggot who should kill himself.

O&A never would have existed without Stern paving the way.

I grew up a Stern fan and I think I would take that trade

He's still a crying faggot and he sucks.

Call him out on it like Stern did. Instead they dance around it. Everyone in the "O&A universe" is so slimy. fucking afraid of confrontation weasels.

I don’t think they care whether he OD’s or not. I think Stern was more professionally motivated in his confrontation and it’s perception rather than any personal amorous he had for Artie.

Or do what Stern used to do with Richard Simmons' sad-sack fatties: dangle bundles of H and eight balls of blow in front of the pathetic dying junkie fuck and laugh at how pitiful he is.

ls of blow in front of the pathetic dying junkie fuck and laugh at how pitiful he is.

yeah. that's how it happened. he wasn't begging artie to get help and offering to give him time off and pay for it.

I said I'd LIKE to see that, not that it happened.


Artie omitted having a warrant out for his arrest in the initial show discussions. Ant should be pissed

The warrant was issued when he failed to appear in December.

Oh, but maybe inform your employers he was busted with heroin and that may cause some future issues. This seem to have caught them by surprise. Ant should terminate the contract and look for a new host. The first show after he got out was so fucking cringy

I mean, it made the papers. Wasn't exactly private news...

Oh I thought it was released after the warrant

Think he got plenty good ones if u got 2 guys flying you out in a private jet to your rehab. Norm mcdonald is still in contact with him. I dont get why people go off on him. He repeats himself, but overall one of the most likeable guys there are. I think that's one of the few things he's got still going for him

Dave Attell is his friend but I think Attell just keeps to himself and doesn't get involved in people's business... I stalk Dave Attell on itunes and listen to all the podcasts he shows up on so I'm in the know.

Gavin's actually the least foolish of all of them... the only one who isn't gonna bend over backwards to accommodate & enable Artie's shitty behavior.

but... he is accommodating and enabling it. That's exactly what he's doing.

I saw it as Gavin sending a clear message "I'm not changing anything for your behavior, even if it's having a bump of coke".

It's things like Ant letting toilet breaks get stupidly-long, & letting Artie leave unannounced without repercussion that are enabling.

It's possible to be kind, understanding & even make allowances for people's issues, but without letting someone take advantage.

I'm not changing anything for your behavior,

It seemed to me like it was done specifically because Artie was there. Like he wanted some attention.

Does he have a history of randomly doing coke as someone is being interviewed by his side?

done specifically because Artie was there

Well, obviously. But if Gavin had just sat there then he would've been a silent member of the kiss-ass, nothing's a problem party, which is what's contributed to where Artie is right now.

silent member of the kiss-ass, nothing's a problem party

he's still a member of that party.

Admittedly, I have never watched him, but someone in another thread like this said Gavin does have a history of doing this.

I thought that too, I guess just not live on-air.

He did it on air during his Compound Media days, yes.


They're on a show they all want attention that's a retarded thing to criticise someone for.

Gavin is just a typical edgy faggot, he doesn't do things to prove points, he just likes to be "the crazy guy". Fuck him and and his schtick

Gavin's bump wasn't enabling. It was just cunty.

You just said that much more succinctly than I did.

He's sooo edgy.

Funnily enough, one of Gavin's final videos for Rebel Media was talking about how many of his friends have died from heroin overdoses.

And how heroin addicts who get clean OD when they relapse - because they think they can still take massive hits.

heroin addicts who get clean OD when they relapse

Very true. I've lost a couple of good people, & when I say good people, I mean people who didn't lie or act selfish, partly why I don't accept addict as an excuse.

Fuck that junkie. He should be ridiculed until he dies.

And yet black people are committing violent crimes in the chocolate hellhole of Wilmington, Delaware at a staggering rate..:.guess I forgot to laff Artie...

wilmington really is dirty as fuck

Anthony isn't Artie's "friend", he's a desperate old shock-jock who couldn't find anyone else willing to do his pathetic show other than a dying unemployable heroin addict who's still blubbering about the gig he blew in 2009. Once Artie croaks he'll have no one left to hire other than the usual old O&A and Stern show flunkies, as no one with even a speck of credibility wants to be associated with him.

I'd like to see Artie leave the AA show, start hanging out with Hollywood liberals, and outlive everyone in the O&A "universe." That would make me happy.

It would be pretty funny. Artie shows up to the AA show a year from now, driving a Prius, big fake white pearly choppers, a nice hairpiece and nibbling on a cup of raw almonds and tofu cubes while announcing a benefit gig for sex abuse survivors of color.

and all he does is vape cbd oil and talk about veganism

Ant, has anyone talked to you about Scientology yet?

He literally asked Opie before Artie. That ugly wop really is human garbage

So that's why Dave Smith is on.

Dave Smith or Opie? Is there really that much of a difference?

Dave doesn't know how to work a board, or shall we say steer the ship.

The end of Tits & Anthony's careers has been truly pathetic.


I don’t think for a minute that Artie considers Anthony & especially Gavin his friends & vise-versa. 2007 Artie wouldn’t be caught dead at the compound & 2018 wouldn’t either if his circumstances hadn’t changed. Artie is the farthest thing from an alt-right or alt-light kinda guy, listen to the old Stern Show & between his politically incorrect jokes he always expressed liberal beliefs.

That actually made me like Gavin.

I guess I forgot to laugh

Neither Ant nor Gavin are his friends, what gave you that impression?

So you think Artie and Gavin are friends?

Do you also think the Burger King and Ronald McDonald know each other?

Colin's been the one who's gotten Artie into rehab at least once, and everyone else either doesn't give a shit or is being nice to him because they still see him as a connection or a name people recognize.

He's been a wreck his whole life and couldn't even keep it together to keep his job on the Howard stern show..

And you think ANT can try and help to get him sober? Not even arties mom can help him.

gavins a scumbag

That's a weird way to say TOTALLY RAD.


I wish Anthony didn't get his twitter banned cause I remember when Artie had his show on Directv Anthony posted a picture or video of him and was talking about how bad he looked and he looks way worse now.

No, No, No. Gavin doesn't like Artie. Good for Gavin. Anthony has stated they see each other for 2 hours... or less a show day. Attel is still his friend... and... well... who else? Artie didn't want to be Bros with Howard 10 years ago. Its all on Artie.

Ha ha ha. If that dead comic dragging,was serious about getting clean,he'd be going to NA meetings 5 days a week. Instead of showing up at the cellar and CM.Fuck him,he's fill of junkie shit.