Why couldn't the other two have died instead?

97  2018-01-16 by blackphilibuster


If those two saw what an unfunny SJW climate we live in now, they'd be glad they're on the other side.

Not at all, Patrice would be having a field day with our current issues and Otto would be happy to still be doing the same jokes he did for the last 20 years of his life.

He'd legit be on Infowars instead of Cumia

It's weird to think just how funny Ant and Jim used to be and how fucking terrible they are now. Otto and Patrice are lucky to not have to see what's become of everyone involved with the show, but I'd much rather have them alive than Tranthony "my brother is NOT a pedophile" Cumia and James "I don't know, that's a tough one man" Morton

If patrice lived longer I don't think they would have ended up like this.

Patrice's death and Anthony's firing.

The two events that fucked it all up.

If Otto was still alive it wouldnt have changed anything. He would still just be a miserable bastard, disgusted with everyone around him. Listening to how soft his friend Jim has gotten, and then watching an old Three Stooges clip to forget about it for a moment.

Otto is the one guy who really seemed to have genuine disgust of the shitty world around him. He doesn't strike me as a guy who would ever do a second of something he didn't like for commercial success.
Then again, that could just be the "dead people are all great" syndrome.

You're right he wouldn't do that for commercial success. But im talking about just being polite.

George used to call black people in the audience gorillas and one time a Puerto Rican guy stabbed George when he was street performing. That puppet had a really foul mouth and never would have landed a sitcom deal.

Ant was already on the race stuff. The Obama/Niccolini combo broke him.

Jim's angry guy character was ripped off directly from Otto and CQ.

Jim’s whole act was ripped off from CQ and Otto.

People say that, and you're probably right, but I could honestly see Patrice getting married to Von and slowly turning into the simp that he always hated. He was already nearly there, raising her daughter.

I think he would have reached his final form and been more like Ronny B, laid back alpha that dont give a fuck

agreed. patrice was settling down but you can only cage an animal, not take away its rage

Dad racis

Right, nothing says not giving a fuck like saying "alt-right show" 100 times a minute as if it were funny the first time

By themselves they are fucking awful but when they're together they're pretty good still.

Also, Otto is overrated because he's dead


"The product is essentially yanking pubic hairs out by the root. It should be called AAAAAAAAGHHH!!!"

“I’m still hilarious.......”

How is that funny?

If Patrice was around it would have been Opie, Patrice, and Henley on sirius.

That's actually possible

With Ant's history of heart attacks, he's a time bomb

RIP big man.

Rare cameo by toast

at this point, the world would have lost much less if Jim died 10 years ago than Anthony, let's face it

Heroin and food?

The only two people who saw it all go to shit while viewing from on high.

I feel your pain.