What do you guys think of Von Decarlo's book about how men think?

12  2018-01-16 by DefNotAtWork2


At least now we know what she was doing instead of the documentary.

It'd be a shame if she started getting bad reviews all of the sudden

No one has ever called her coach von

close though: ''dat bitch on couch one''

except on a flight

Vurry god sir

Just cause you look like a man doesn't mean you can think like a man.

but can you act like a man, or what's the matter with you?

Still waiting to get my money back for that doc. Bitch should give me a free book to make up for it so I can burn it.

Awe you gave her money?

It stinks and I don't like it.

She only knows shit because I tell her shit

i think it needs a longer title.

I hope the reviews don't get side tracked talking about the documentary.

What a dogshit person and what I am sure is an even shittier book.

I love Patrice but he should never have brought that leaching cunt into the O&A universe. I think his death was kinda warranted for this terrible deed alone.

You done fucked up O'Neal.

He didn’t tell anyone to give her money. Thats on you idiots.

I didn't give her anything. The fact remains that he introduced her to the O&A world and she's a cunt.

He gave plenty of hints to anyone listening that she was not to be taken seriously

You READ?!

Your right John. Your always right.

You are right, John. Youare right, John. You're right, John.

He didn’t tell anyone to give her money. Thats on you idiots.