Some dude in my company just posted a suicide note and might be dead after being suspended for telling a joke

107  2018-01-16 by Ant_Sucks

He posted mainly Dad jokes on the corporate intranet. "Be careful on those roads during the holidays, a lot of people are drinking and letting their wives drive".

In his suicide note he said "I live to make people laugh. It's my only gift, and now that's been taken away from me".

RIP Lenny.


Thoughts and prayers.

I hope youre lenny

It'll be hilarious when I show up to the memorial.

Fucking zinged those grieving cock suckers

I have a hunch there was more to this than him getting suspended for telling racist/sexist jokes

Post the website here.

Has he got any goods he'll let you share with the sub? I think I've still got a FEDEX account.


Good job getting us a picture

Pics or it didn’t happen

And make them snappy. I can only edge for so long

I wish you would fall of an edge


Does that mean there won't be any fresh bread tomorrow?

Yes,But it will difficult after finding out he suffocated his-self by using Panera bag on his head


I guess HR forgot to laugh

Lenny lost his way

🎵Don’t lose your waaaaaay🎵

you're lost

he's still hilarious

turns to camera with sheepish look and raises eyebrows

And which way was that?

I was waiting for the Vos plug....damn you, and your genuine horseshit.

He's lost


i deeply deeply love this

colin has entered the hall of legends


I'm glad he was suspended for telling that joke

The one he got suspended for was a dirty joke. It was removed before I saw it.

At my work, this guy actually said in the staff room. "Why are we hiring so many faggots to work here?" Thankfully the PC world hasn't affected every work place

It's still good you reported him for talking about you that way.

Are there any job openings? I'

At Compound Media? Shhuuuuure

Well... Why are they?

I was in an important meeting and one of my female bosses remarked that when she last boarded a plane she noticed that the pilot and co-pilot were women. I said "Did ..... Did you ask to be put on a different flight?". So fucking worth it.

Are you on the shit list now.

Somewhat. Half the room were desperately trying not to laugh and the other half looked disgusted. I'm so glad I went for it.

Did she respond with "Do..... Do you wanna work for another company?"

do you work for scott greenstein?

Everybody hated him and his stupid jokes

Are you taking resumés?

Lenny needs to lighten up and find another job. Clearly not everyone enjoyed his watercooler routine. But no one took away his humor. They just don't want that dumb shit in writing on their servers.

And anyone who would kill themselves over a job is too dramatic for this world anyway.

I don't think I've ever received a work related "joke" that was the least bit funny. I guess my years of listening to radio shows of the most horrible people on earth, warped my sense of humor.

If Lenny was standing outside in the rain, what would you do?

I'd tell him black crime statistics, duh!

The things people post here

I like when we mix it up. Opie has breasts we get it.

Post a pic of it

Was Lenny one of the guys that actually made the bread? I'm going to miss that delicious bread. Godspeed young Lenny.

Let the retarded fella know it was only Anthony messing with him over the phone, not corporate

All this time everyone thought he was the happy-go-lucky office cutup. When really, he was crying inside.

Rip Lenny :'(

Look at that weird sloped head.

People say I'm the life of the party Because I tell a joke or two Although I might be laughing loud and hearty Deep inside I'm blue So take a good look at my face You'll see my smile looks out of place

Time to turn back the apology clock!

Please tell me you work for the NY Giants front office and it's Lenny Markus.

I have no desire to be antisemitic, but Lenny makes it really fucking hard to not say bad things about the chosen people.

I'm sorry for your loss, but it sounds like Lenny was kind of a fag. His jokes sound corny as fuck and yet he has the gall to pretend that other people actually appreciated his humor? "It's my only gift" - Sure it is, pal. Sure it is.

My business partner was just charged with knowing/reckless abuse of a child resulting in death, a class 2 felony, and is likely to be convicted and sentenced to a minimum of 16 years. I haven't been involved with the business in well over a 2 years but i'm still technically a partner. AMA

is it a child porn ring?

When did you realize you were gay?

When I joined this sub.

Lenny will be posthumously be made a General in the Kiss army.

Oh fiddlesticks, never mind.

Does that mean you get to keep the soundbar?

Work isn't a place to try to be funny. If some cunt takes offence you're done. HR have zero backbone.

I raped a guy in the toilets for a laugh and he reported me. Welcome to 2018 gang.

Should've raped a girl bro. They stay silent for at least 20 years, or until you run for office. Guys get pissy over a lil bit of unauthorized entry.

Lol good. Weak faggot with shitty nyuk nyuk jokes.

Too many humans anyway.

He deserved it for such a crappy joke.

How noble of him. Good for Lenny.

I hope those HR cunts blame themselves

The world had gone and gotten itself into a big damn hurry.

Leonard was here

ya kiddin

Even if this isn't true, what fucking idiot tells jokes on a company site? This is Panera not the chuckle hut you fucking retard. We can only hope he's dead

He went with DIG-NITY!

We just had a dude fired for sexual assault, which basically mean't he was hitting on the girls in an awkward way. Meanwhile the arab with rape-charges is stalking 2 of the girls but nobody does anything about that.

Homicide > Suicide. Lenny needs to suck it up, take off a few heads and really give em a few chuckles.

You should follow Lenny's footsteps. Not by telling office jokes, but by killing yourself

Lenny did it wrong - you're suppose to take the entire HR department with you.

I think his real name was Joe Matarese.

“He gets it.” -David Brent.

i'm drunk years old and what is this

Lenny should've started his own green screen podcast network.


Does anyone remember laughter?


Screenshots plz

"He posted mainly Dad jokes on the corporate intranet."

I hope he's dead.

Are you going to tell him that one about the rabbits?

Poor Lenny, he was good people.

I thought for sire that this would just be Rich Vos tour dates.

RIP Lenny

not all heroes wear nooses

OK, so is he dead or what?

Enquiring minds want to know.


joe matarese lost his only patreon contributor.

What joke was he fired for?

Now he can try comedy out for a living after this latest stunt.

Comedy gone too far

Somewhat. Half the room were desperately trying not to laugh and the other half looked disgusted. I'm so glad I went for it.