The AA Show is not my cup of tea

96  2018-01-16 by tonydogs

It's just a barrage of one-liners, stories we've already heard, movie references, and fake laughter. It takes place at such fever pitch that it's almost unbearable. Artie and Anthony are incapable of having a normal conversation. Edit: I forgot to mention the non-stop Stuttering John impressions. Holy shit.


But the glorious HD really highlights Ant’s pockmarked mug

so brave, such courage.

give this girl an Oscar or sumptin.

They’re called Oprah’s now I think.

What about Ant & Gavin? Maybe the Ag show could be gold?

(periodic table yuma)

Ag is silver

SHIT! it's Au isn't it?

Fuck sakes! did say I was rusty! Embarrassed now. Oh well.

It was far better with gavin before artie arrived. Although he did shoehorn in a few talking points he's made hundreds of times before.

Tennessine tennessine wait, maybe tha's why the Sam solo show smells or sumthin', tennessine.

I'd rather watch the Ang show.

Nah, Ang is NOT the man, he just runs for the man.

Tee off

Set up

I would renew my membership if it was Anthony and Gavin. That would be a quality show.

Gavin is a genius when it comes to marketing.

But only that.

And shoving things in his anus to make a political point

I thought he just did that because he liked it.

You have a membership.

So sad.

You spend all day, every day, on a message board devoted to a show that you hate.

Even more sad.

And you don't speak your only language with literacy.

The saddest.

You forgot to switch back to the ESD account.

Is he a pedestrian grammarian as well?

We're not that close.


The time I spend here is mainly tonget a laugh out of this trainwreck.

You're truly heroic though. Do you tweet screen shots of all your posts defending that child fucker Cumia?

He has no family or friends, forgive him as the internets is all he has.

I have a membership, too and I like hearing Anthony and his take on the daily topics everyday. Worth my money.

Is it not easy to predict? Ant can be funny, but I've never considered him particularly insightful. You always know what he is going to say in response to a certain topic or news story and it's never anything unique.


atleast patrice, ron, or colin will play devil's advocate for fun

Have you lost your left or right foot from the diabetes or both?

Gavin is a genius when it comes to marketing

Like how he marketed the Proud Boys as a violent, right wing group that hated non-Westerners right before right wing domestic terror occurred.

Nice example you liberal faggot.

More like pyrite. (Fool's gold)

wait... wait... need like someone called Feergie bonding with 2 called Sally or summet.

(rusty chemistry yuma)

wait... wait... rusty? did Fergie get wet or summet?

Your grasp of geology humor is elemental.


i got a message for you Ag! U ain't the man. You run for the man!

Honestly, they should have done that two years ago

Gold is Au... Ag is silver.

Yep, I've learned it's not worth deleting stupidity... 'cus then I'm stupid and a pussy.

You’re getting it!

What's wrong with the elements we got? They bond pretty gud...

Ihne? Flohrine?

Gold is Au, cocksucker.

Yep, I'm a fool.

There's only one show that Cumia is ever good on. Y'all know what it be.

Howard Stern?

To Catch a Predator

Periscope Popup Show

taht happens when your co host is high as fuck Artie can't stay on topic longer than 30 sec.

I'll have you know Artie's almost 30 hours sober!

The should add big A and then do shows about towing cars.

Or perhaps the art of skull fucking a cadaver

a 3 hour variety show about how to hide bodies, remove fingerprints, and other such tales. complete with interviews, musical guests, news stories, and a wacky band that laughs after every joke

and auctioning storage lockers with aaron berg and garrett

Now that, I’d watch

His face on the billboards is the only thing that could make them worse...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ant can only be great as a radio broadcaster. He's a voice not a face.

ya kiddin?

Ant and Dave Landau last week was the best pairing the O&A universe has seen in years.

sounds like they need someone to steer the ship


into a cliff face

they should get a big act like opie and then put it together and name it opie and anthony, and maybe get a third mic i think jim would be available for the job

It has entertainment value as an anarchic trainwreck.

It's just constant noise and nonsense. Artie's out of control and Ant lacks the courage to tell him to dial down. If anything, I feel bad for Tranpa - it's all but confirmed that the reason for the price increase (and Gavin leaving) was to make room on the payroll for Artie. He's basically a last-ditch moonshot effort to make Compound Media financially viable.

Imagine the horror of hanging your career on Artie Lange?

Then watching go EXACTLY the way EVERYONE said it would six weeks in??

Ha ha. Ho-leeee shit, indeed!

For better or worse it's brought attention to the network (unless you read any article about Artie in mainstream news where they don't mention CP Media and say former Stern sidekick).

I enjoy the show and subscribe, it's entertaining and worth the money for me.

Okay frllat

Dis guy ovah heeya

Artie's fucking 100 miles per hour telling of jokes and stories is just not listenable. If he wasn't always on blow and heroin he could chill the fuck out. Some of his stories/bullshit could be funny if he would stop killing his fucking delivery.

Someone on youtube posted this summary of Artie's return. I didn't see a video for it, though. Sounds hilariously cringey and awkward.

Who would have thought that someone whose main talent is molesting children wouldn't put on a good show?

And opies still unemployed

Artie was a fucking mistake. He's a brutish, unselfconscious testosterone filled sports fanatic. He's the opposite of Anthony. The worst though is the Howard baggage, it's just some alternate radio universe that has nothing to do with OnA or Anthony. They have shit to relate to, hence the lame crutches. The sooner it ends the better.

To sum it up: he's a sportsfan.

Artie's stuttering john is the purest form of audible shit.

It is an exhausting experience- listening to 32 uninterrupted minutes of stuttered-mumbling,... and the roar of forced laughter.

Listening to Gilbert Godfrey laugh behind Artie's stuttering john impression for 20mins straight will leave you in a murderous rage.


they could have Artie crush a pill of 80mg of oxycontin at the desk and meticulously put it in a spoon and shoot it for an hour at it would be more entertaining and less cringe worthy than what we see now

I watched it once and felt like I was at a VFW hall.

as much as i'm over the politics, gavin and ant is the best combination outside of jim and ant

A&G should've been a show but nooooooooo. Whenever Gavin is on Ant starts acting like George when Cool Tony is around. I'm sure he packs tuna sandwiches for them.

Artie can’t hold a normal conversation, not Cumia.


Artie is the one that verbally runs everyone over. I watched his comeback episode today and realized Gavin was bored and needed to do drugs in front of him to keep from starting a fight. He's a mic sahog.

They had Cernovich and Gavin on tuesday's show and spent a big chunk of it claiming they aren't pedos and anyone who accuses them of being a pedo is a pedo. Very Brother Joe like.

It was truly unwatchable once Artie came on. He was rambling, mumbling and just a fucking mess. Gavin wasn’t doing much of the fake laughing Ant was. I think Ant knows it’s a huge shit show but feels trapped. What a goddamn disaster.

I canceled my sub when I found a source that has the audio

As much as I hate to say anything meaningful was ever said by that saiyanz halfbreed faggot, it was that Ant is a great "funny guy in the room." He works great bouncing off others. But when he's the host and has to do most of the talking and run the show, he falls short.

Obviously, a cohost was needed, but it sure as fuck isn't Artie the Hut. Since Ant's firing, the most entertaining he's been while on the air to me, was when Jimmy was on his show or vice versa. Jimmy and Ant obviously have a chemistry that works, and would be the only way I'd ever consider paying money for a podcast.

Then don't watch it.... For me sometimes it is funny, sometimes it isn't, but bitches like OP complaining about everything are the cancer of our society.

Truly a Shit Show.


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I thought he just did that because he liked it.