If you think about it, Roland’s bravery about fighting against sexual harassment in the workplace started this whole #MeToo #TimesUp trend.

35  2018-01-16 by MrPsFriend

How is Roland doing these days?


If you think about it. he's probably going to be unemployed this year.

I wish, as I hate him more than anyone that has ever been on the O&A show. Even after getting Opie fired.

But the fact he's been employed so long despite looking so horrid and dressing like a slob shows me he is either good at his job (he's not) or he has some weird connections or blackmail that allow him to stay employed.

Roland and Artie are inspirations to Tubs of shit everywhere.. You can look like an absolute pile of leftover pizza dough and maintain stable employment at a well paying job. Its a real shame when you think about how many people have been abused by those twos body odor over the years..

You know you're boss is really hated when you rat him out, he gets fired and you get a promotion.

He's eating through the depression

Opie derives sexual pleasure from filming rotund men using public bathrooms

Ugh, thanks to that stuttering spic i will soon also be out of work for daring to even look at a woman.

Haven't seen or heard from him in a while either. I'm just going to assume he is still morbidly obese.