Guys, apparently we offended the "dirtbag Left" over at ChapoTrapHouse.

31  2018-01-16 by WhippingHuskies




I can't make heads or tails of that sub. What's it supposed to be about? What is the dirtbag left? How can you be a dirtbag and be offended by jokes? Even I'm not offended by the most brutal trans jokes people post here, as long it's attempting to be a joke.

I dunno dude/dudette. I just woke up 2 hours ago here, was chopping firewood, looked at my phone while having a cig break, and saw I had been sent a message from someone in that place, which is where I had that exchange. I couldn't figure it out either, but I think it's ANTIFA related, or Far Left jerkoffs who follow some podcast, and are trying to be edgy, but apparently can't handle humor. Some other pussy there was crying over seeing a mean comment about Kumail over here.

well that answers the question, 'what sort of people still comment on the opie and anthony subreddit like three years after the show ended'. turns out, the most unpleasant subsection of what was already a pretty horrible fanbase

That actually made me crack up.


Denial, deceit and denture cream. Thank you for your service.


What is the dirtbag left?

A pleonasm.

"They sure seem like pleasant folks."

It's embarassing how men talk like passive aggressive women these days.

It actually involves you TinKnockin. Apparently someone from there, lurks this place, and found that post about those 2 Trans whatever the fuck they are couple, and got super offended, and mistook our replies as Far Right Neo-Nazis.



Fuck those virtue signaling faggots.

The funny thing is, apparently they're supposed to be the "Dirtbag Left." If they're supposed to be the hardcore, no non-sense foot soldiers for their Globalist masters, then they're truly fucked. When the inevitable Civil War breaks out in the West, these people will be mopped up in less than a month. We should them deport them to Africa or some Sharia country for good measure. Or Haiti, since apparently they love it so much. The look on their faces would be worth the bloodshed.

Seeing the failure of these leftwing groups like ANTIFA makes me want to spearhead a genuinely radical left organization for the eventual civil/race war.

You're a good egg TinKnockinMoroccan.

We prefer to be called zygotes.

please explain

Reminder that "reactionaries" is communist lingo for "people who don't like communism."

Or anyone who disagrees with the Party platform.

Reactionary is a term from revolutionary France referring to cunts that defended the aristocracy.

liberal politics are for women, browns and quays

Yes, they set themselves up for massive catastrophe. I never really cared for politics, and always leaned Left, still do on many issues, but the lunacy we witnessed from the Left during the 2016 election repulsed me to the point where I realize if civilization is to survive, all these pieces of shit should be deported along with their third world pets back to those shithole countries before they destroy everything like they did every major city in the West.

Captain Replies To Every Comment over here.

I didn't get your reply in my messages. But I'm glad I clicked my post, so that I could, in fact, reply to you.

You sound fun at parties

I'm not. I get drunk and start fights b/c I have a chip -wassat- on my shoulder.

Fair enough.

I just don't understand this obsession with societal collapse people have. Isn't it more likely there will just be ghettos in the outskirts of European cities that people never go to?

Same here, never really cared that much but always thought I leaned left, during this last election I slowly realized I was hardcore right, and have never felt more clear on politics, I can pretty much debate it with anyone in person and never lose steam or come off as mad or anything

It's crazy man. I don't think we've even become right as much as the left has gone completely off the rails.

Yeah it's gotten bad

I’ve never read anything more earnest and embarrassing. You are gay.

Nah you're way gayer it's pretty obvious

Wow! you didn’t that without losing steam or getting man or anything!

I'll ignore the Freudian slip of the "man" spelling, but I meant because it's extremely sensible it's nothing to get dumbly emotional about, maybe it sounds gay to say but it's sorta true

I skimmed through the hot posts on that sub. I feel like if Dave Smith was a liberal, that is the shit he would post.

I think that's exactly what's happening there. It seems like the Alt-Left's cringe comedy sub. Except they can't even do that right.

Except they can't even do that right.

Nah.. they do it left or summet. tss

tsssss fawk yeah

central_void 55 points 10 hours ago

It just always depresses me to see how cruel people can be against those who have zero effect on their lives.

dahamburglar 42 points 11 hours ago

Pure fucking hate on full display.

Ethereal_Gears 3 points 3 hours ago

Obviously my own fault for clicking a link I didn't know where it went, but this is just so awful. I can't believe these are real people saying this stuff. Man I'm so sad now. Too sad to be angry even. :( What a bunch of queers.

The sad thing is they're apparently "Edgelords" of the New Left.

Wow so much edgy anarchy and nihilistic got-it-all-figured-out back sass over there at the rebellious black fingernail polish subreddit.

They don't give a fuck about anything dude. They are totally detached. Unless you call a man pretending to be a woman a faggot, then it's all hair-pulling and jaw-dropping gasps of moral outrage with an aftertaste of SSRI induced spells of impotent depression. But it's all swag, brosephine, it's 2018, it's cool to be broken. Bet.

I hope none of them come here to defend Civil Rights and read us the riot act!

I can't wait for the eventual collapse. These assholes will become ardent Nazi's the second the streets are no longer safe for their Long boards and music festivals.

Yeah, it's crazy. They want to present themselves as the left's thick-skinned badasses and yet this is how they react to one O&A thread. "how can anybody be see how hateful? :(((" Chapo's a big hit with people who enjoy Twitter memes steeped in seven levels of irony. Their fanbase poses as totally nonchalant and affectless even though they're exactly the same as any other "woke" person.

These type of people have become robots.

Am I correct in assuming that podcast is that post ironic I don't care if I'm funny if u don't laugh I wasn't even trying to be funny shit

Yes, a dozen layer of irony applied to absolutely everything.

Their version of "edgy" is saying Hillary Clinton isn't cool.

“ effect on their lives...”

Too perfect

Hitler was right.


Hilarious he used the word engender in a sentence about transgender.

I was thinking the same. We got chemistry brutha.

Yo, Erock! Where we at with tha engender?!

It really didn't take very much, I expect this one to be over quicker than Desert Storm.

Every post is the equivalent of "Guess I forgot to laugh (chomp)"

It's a fucking sub full of Colin Flahertys.

How does someone even become this way? Especially in their youth. My generation was getting drunk, high, fighting at bars, listening to good music, and working. And I'm 33, what a bunch of fags millennials turned out to be.

Mostly I blame Jon Stewart. Anyone not useful to his left-wing purposes was marginalized and mocked. And over a decade, he turned "comedy" into such a tiny set of allowable statements, nothing was allowed to make people laugh anymore. (Lest Jon Stewart mock THEM mercilessly.)

Laughing is an involuntary behavior that brings people joy. It's astonishing that he managed to slowly train a generation to not laugh. The fact that they don't see how bad this is for their mental health is...well...consistent with the intelligence of people who were able to be trained out of human laughter.

The irony being he's an actual funny dude. His show was great during the W era, along with Maher, and I actually agreed with most of what they said. They lost their minds during the Obama era, and especially during the 2016 election cycle, and took their audience along with them.

Oh definitely! If a propagandist is going convince people he's telling jokes when he's just telling them over and over it's OK to hate Republicans? He's one hell of a joke-writer to pull that off skilfully.

No question he's talented.

It's not that bad though cause their version of mocking is just rolling their eyes or saying how sad they are.

No one ever said that generations prior before

They certainly did. And the collapse of civilization starting with the babyboomers confirms this.

Shut up, old man. Nobody wants to hear your life story.

Bunch of niggers and kikes.

They sure like to stick together, don't they Frankie?

Yea, and having a good time, too.

Honestly though, those dudes are the worst. I'm in my early 20's and these kind of dudes are sprinkled into several circles I'm familiar with. It's always some scrawny twink with sleeve tattoos, a fake vintage Circle Jerks shirt and an ironic mustache. They're the fucking worst. Kind of dudes who'll rip someone apart on twitter but gets the shakes worse then Lady Di in the morning when confronted.

"Dirtbag Left"

More like douchebag left


I spent the last decade in an alcoholic stupor, breaking my back at work, then drinking myself to death. I was also living in a high crime neighborhood in Queens to save money, had access to prime Latina/Asian broads, and out of shame. Consequently working class folks and my circle of friends were the only people I readily had access to. I went out one night in Brooklyn, moreover Bushwhick with this Colombian hipster chick who lived in that gentrified neighborhood, and was stunned to see these people actually exist outside of meme's. I saw some pudgy dude in a Bavarian leaderhosen costume. Who raises these pussies. I'm gonna have to guess degenerate single mothers who divorce raped their husbands, and raised the kids on tv, heavy meds, and shitty food. This lunacy and Leftist bullshit is gonna die with millennials, as the bullshit has hit critical mass, and the money is running out. Crazy how shit changed so radically in a decade.

Fucking A, I can't act like I'm not one of them with my constant social media whoring and self diagnosed mental issues, but Jesus fucking christ it's embarrassing dude. I'm actually pretty liberal too, but there's a way to act about it all (like a man!). Jokes are fucking jokes. It's not rocket science. They're just as bad as the far right wingers they hate but so many of them can't see it.

Alas, I'll spend my years playing shitty clubs with my band. Proudly fucking annoying feminist women that come to shows, fighting the good fight, if only they knew.

Good for you, man.

I like the cut of your jib, sir.

I like you too, man.

They're a bit light in the loafers over there. I think I'm already banned for trolling.

Nick Mullen is a /pol/ weirdo troll like a lot of people here who just happens to hang around with enough sassy NY socialists they've worn him down into "yeah I guess universal healthcare is the only thing that makes sense.... but who cares I wanna die." Deep down I don't think he believes the majority of what they do.

oh nooooo

Will they reliate by donating more money on their patreon to show whos cooler?

They'd have to ask their parents for lil extra this month.

Do you want to get our sub shut down?

Because this is how you get our sub shut down.

How so? And what did I personally do. I spoke to the guy respectfully, and then let everyone here know these assholes are playing around with our posts.

It's "brigading"

I don't make the rules

Yea I know, but I didn't fuck around with them, as soon as I realized what was happening. I just responded to the dude, and explained what was going on here with that post. Then I warned people here what was happening.

You should delete this post. Seriously.

U sound gay. Kill yourself

Seriously, there is nothing to be gained by arguing with these self assured faggots.

I don't speak burrito wtf is a chapo

Who are those faggots anyway?

The only result of this is that people will see the post and end up coming here more often because it is funnier, then end up also thinking communism is for idealist retards. How many OandA sub members do you think they will convert into woke communists?

We already have a few converts to this place.

Name one.


The alternative to communism is gargling Jeff Bezos' cum. Not something to be proud of.

Why are they "dirtbags"? They just sound like every other pearl clutching queen on the internet

That's precisely what they are, from what I gather. Rich, White, suburban kids, with a massive superiority complex who are angry they failed as White men, so they joined the mainstream Leftist Daily Show crowd, cuz they're too chicken shit to take it to the ruling elite. Pussies.

I read through the thread and you did a good job of explaining yourself and the guys responding to you literally just said they already made their mind up and didn't give a fuck if you're being ironic.

Then again that's the same crowd who had a massive meltdown about their podcast overlords making an irony post about Bill Cosby. Irony is only cool if it's safe. The actual Chapo guys are okay guys, the socialist crowd they attract is a bunch of naive internet activists devouring their own movement one "inappropriate" joke at a time though.

"how dare they say mean things about strangers"... proceeds to say mean things about us (who are strangers).

They gay.

The left has become the kid that wants to sit at the lunch table with the other kids, but wants to be the only one who doesn't take his turn getting picked on like everyone else who can take a tough joke. The table was fine. You chose to sit there. Stop changing the rules to suit you or accept the fact that the other kids are going to hate you.

So...the left is Opie?

According to SaiyanZRage, two of these guys are pederasts. If true, they can fuck right of with their liberal pedo-normalization horseshit. We don't let Ant do it, why would we tolerate them!?


Well if they get raped by a pack-a-niggers it'll be THERE fault.


I know most of what is said here is in jest, but I really do hate fags. The fact that they'll burn for eternity makes my dick hard, making me wonder "is this gay?" Then I lash myself for having such impure thoughts.

Anyway, this has been a fun read, burrito nigger.

Honestly though, those dudes are the worst. I'm in my early 20's and these kind of dudes are sprinkled into several circles I'm familiar with. It's always some scrawny twink with sleeve tattoos, a fake vintage Circle Jerks shirt and an ironic mustache. They're the fucking worst. Kind of dudes who'll rip someone apart on twitter but gets the shakes worse then Lady Di in the morning when confronted.

"Dirtbag Left"

More like douchebag left


Mostly I blame Jon Stewart. Anyone not useful to his left-wing purposes was marginalized and mocked. And over a decade, he turned "comedy" into such a tiny set of allowable statements, nothing was allowed to make people laugh anymore. (Lest Jon Stewart mock THEM mercilessly.)

Laughing is an involuntary behavior that brings people joy. It's astonishing that he managed to slowly train a generation to not laugh. The fact that they don't see how bad this is for their mental health is...well...consistent with the intelligence of people who were able to be trained out of human laughter.

Or anyone who disagrees with the Party platform.

No one ever said that generations prior before

They certainly did. And the collapse of civilization starting with the babyboomers confirms this.

Shut up, old man. Nobody wants to hear your life story.

Reactionary is a term from revolutionary France referring to cunts that defended the aristocracy.