This whole thing with Artie is getting really sad.....

7  2018-01-16 by sarahemmingway

He looks and sounds not well.....He really needs several months in rehab....i hope he does get better it has become to sad to watch now......



It was getting sad when I heard him falling asleep on Hoo-Hoo 10 years ago. It's getting to the point where I'm almost salty that he's still around. I like him a lot, but I would give 1,000 Artie's for 1 Patrice... And I'm not even particularly fond of blacks.

I have been listening to a lot of Patrices shows recently and go back and forth between missing him and wishing he was still around to pontificate on the world and motherfucking him and all his philosophies because he was too much of a pussy to handle his own health and died like a bitch.

In his defense, would skinny Patrice be the same?

at least he was still funny in those days.

Yeah, I'm all for freedom and personal responsibility, but it really seemed like Ant and Keith reveled in the "death pool" factor by hiring him; and by encouraging his 45 minute mid-show "bathroom breaks", explained away by "Artie's gonna be Artie".

What's sad is your mother's fat pussy

Jesus he's been disgusting since 2005.

He has been, but he's reached new depths in the last year or two. There are pictures of him in 2005 where he just looks like a normal middle aged fat drunk Yankees fan, not Lady Di.

don't bother Jesus with shock jock drama please

Artie is beyond redemption. I’d much rather he flame out in a record breaking binge while live streaming it.

I'm just going to say it: Fuck'm. Fuck'm in his big fat butt. I gave up on rooting for the guy to do better about half a year ago. He won't stop fucking up until he's dead.

I don’t see how Anthony is not furious cause this whole shit was just a big elaborate hoax. He is not clean and never went to rehab.

You don't think Anthony would sympathise with someone lying about rehab? Schinkel bout it.

It’s been sad for quite awhile. Durning his Stern Show years he was one of my favorite comedians & I loved him but this 2018 Artie is a lifeless shell of his former self.

Even sadder is that when he dies the obits will say "troubled drug addicted comedian dies" not "hilarious beloved comedian dies". The longer the freak show goes on the better the odds that's all anyone will remember about him. When did he leave Stern, 2009? He's been flopping around like a total retard ever since.

Was this written 8 years ago?

Fuck Artie. A coke addict with a gut deserves to die.

He will make it to 60 and you will all still be saying the same shit!

Rehab will do nothing to a man so self destructive.

He will carry the "real men don't need help" mentality to his grave.

Prison bound.