30 days sober and he looks incredible

41  2018-01-16 by 2hawt2sexxxi


gavin being a great influence with a beer in hand. god these people are a mess

I gave it a quick look and thought it was one of those big cans of coke.

Holy shit, he doesn't have a chance

Nope that's a bud heavy tall boy

I believe Bud is called 'America' now.

I hate when I'm drinking around people and they say "you still drink buttweiser?", yeah mother fucker, I drink to get drunk, not for the taste or the "craft". I can get a 18 pack for 15 bucks and get a nice buzz. Bunch of faggots

It all tastes the same to me after a long hard day's work down on the job site, but hey, what the heck do I know?

You tell 'em, chief!

As long as I've got the three Bs, everything's golden.

Beer, broads & the ballgame. And I'm glad t'have it!

Your lips to God's ears.

You got your container of beer and get ready for another night of working at not working until work in the mornin’. But whatta I know? I’m just a regular guy who works for what I got!

Agreed. I prefer Rolling Rock or PBR--same price and basic taste as Bud but I like the way the cans look, that's it.

Plus, let's face it, most of those craft beers taste like utter shit and even the connoisseurs who obsess over them don't enjoy them as much as we appreciate our pounders.

I'm a grapefruit beer man, personally

Pumpkin rosé matta here!

Opie aside that is the grossest beer I've ever tasted. It should be in the singles bin with the dented cans.

Pretty much all North American craft beers are fucking dogshit. If you want good ones you gotta go to Australia. They don't fucking pour three bags of hops into a fucking pilsner.


Rolling Rock is solid one of my favorites if I want to drink beers all day.

I drink Bud Ice, Natty Daddy's and Hurricane. I'm a cheap POS. This stinky paki at the gas station started selling craft beer and some of the six packs are over $20 and shit. He gave me a "deal" one night for a five pack of some bullshit that cost $11 then was all annoyed with me when I told him I didn't like it. I miss the old guy that worked there, he'd let me trade him weed for booze. This new guy smells like BO.

You know it's a bad sign when beer comes in packs that aren't multiples of 6. And an odd number? Forget it, it's gonna taste like shit and cost a fortune.

Oh, it was a six pack, but he took one out to justify charging me "less". He was showing me the new craft beers one day and there were 24 oz bottles that were over $10 and the ABV wasn't even high. I asked him if people actually buy that shit and he said they do, which I highly doubt.

The store is a shithole, the guy that worked there before him was this chill dude from Nepal named Braj that talked about buying weed by the trash bag in his country, while this douche won't stop talking about his stupid craft beer. The area isn't even the right demo, there's bums and mexicans here, no hipster culture that I can see, really. I have nothing against craft beer but the prices the store charges are fucking insane. I'm an alcoholic so I buy cheap shit, but one day when I had the extra money I figured I'd try one of the beers he was raving about so he'd finally stop pushing them on me, then when I came back in and he asked how I liked it and got all pissy with me when I told him it wasn't worth the price. He brought up the fact that he gave me a good deal and I disagreed, and ever since he's been a passive aggressive asshole. I used to like the store cuz there's this fat older white lady that works nights and she sometimes gives me free cookies, and the guy that runs the store in the morning is a chill older dude, but I doubt I'll be shopping there again.

I have a feeling that his love for craft beer is gonna put the store out of business. I'm pretty sure he's the owners son or something and the dad might be on the way out.

Tasting good is just a bonus. I wanna get trashed.

It depends on the setting for me. If I'm outside grilling and getting fucked up in my pool I like Budweiser. If a UFC is on I get a good strong craft beer thats rocking a 9-11% ABV.

Shiner used to make an amazing Hefeweizen. I know I know, that's nearly on the level of grapefruit beer, but my sister introduced me to it when I first started drinking and it was perfect on a nice summer night. Even a shit beer like Corona is good but I only ever drink that for nostalgic reasons every now and then.

I've tried other Hefeweizen's since and they all sucked in comparison. And I fucking hate Shiner Bock.

Hefeweizen's are fucking amazing during the summer, don't let anyone tell ya otherwise.

I need to find a new one, Shiner's faggot asses stopped making it. It was my favorite beer. The logo for it was pretty cool too, I still have it on my wall covering up a hole.

I thought the same thing too. When I read someone comment that Gavin did coke in another thread, I thought they were joking. Nope.

What are you gonna do, not have a beer because that drug addict Artie Lange shows up. I’m not a Gavin fan but fuck if he wants to have a beer he should have a beer, Artie’s the one with the problem & the world shouldn’t have to stop partying in fear of making him relapse.

If Artie's name weren't on the show, it was a few months from now, and Ant didn't blow smoke about "supporting" him, I'd agree.

Also, when Ant was pretending to be sober for the court after his joke of a rehab, the guests obliged and at least played along with it by holding off for an hour or two in the mid afternoon.

Is Gavin such an alcoholic that he couldn't abstain for a half hour, or does he think this is edgy? Either way, it's quite pathetic for a guy who talks about brotherhood and being responsible.

Does Artie drink? I thought he just did shitloads of drugs.

I don't know if or how much he still does, but holy shit yes, he was always more of a drunk than a junkie up until halfway through his Stern years. His first few years on Stern his drunkeness was a bit. There was a popular reality show on Bravo called "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy", whose cast came on Stern. Somehow they set it up so the four gay guys had to give Artie a makeover, but he was belligerently drunk the whole time, calling them fags etc,.

A lot of these troubled drug addict comedians who die or burn out young are actually just boring daily drunks who occasionally go on a bender.

I remember that Queer Eye bit. It was extra funny because one of them was actually friends with Artie's sister.

He used to talk about drinking Jack Daniels a lot and he named one of his specials Jack and Coke.

If Gavin’s actions hasten Artie’s death, I’ll forgive him for having a gay mustache.

At least Jimmy wasn't around for that.

I see Anthony is still in his Malcolm in the Middle phase.

Frankie Muniz would have a more successful podcast

He is the boss of no ooooooooone

and Sue's cock is so biiiiig

Very stylish

but his sleeves were never quite as tight after the Kevan Brennan incident

It's good to see Lady Di out and about again.

No it's not.

Oh no no no no.

Get the fuck out (NWWW)

Artie has a look on his face like a dementia patient that's just shit themselves, and is enjoying the warmth.

Artie definitely does not look like he has the aroma of a train bum, riding subway in winter to stay warm - boiling feces in his pants with the heroin sweats.

You ever hear the one about how he fell asleep on air with Kathy Griffin?

The "I just started my twitch gaming career" greenscreen.

Anthony you dress like my 13 year old nephew who thinks he can skateboard but he really sucks. Grow up you fucking tranny lover.

yeah whats he doin goin down to the Sandlot later to wack the ball around

Wonder if that’s a check in Gavin’s pocket for appearing this week?

I hope it’s a pancreatic cancer diagnosis

Finally Gavin has entered the priesthood

....rather than the priesthood entering him.

Forced smile from Tranpa as he just shits more money down the toilet pretending everything is going great.

Jesus: they're re-making Weekend at Bernie's, now, too...? Is nothing sacred?

I only see one nigger and he ain't Bernie.

No he doesn't.

This is so damn close to the weekend at anthony's parody, it's like they staged it.

well....at least he's alive?

Define alive

Has a pulse and his family can't cash in yet?

whadda mensch

I can see now why Gavin stood with CM as long as he did. The compound is probably the one place on Earth where he can automatically be the most respectable guy in the room.

I may be a faggot but I like Gavin, not faggot enough to go with the proud boys shit though.

Killer Mossimo jacket you old fat junkie

You ever hear the one about how he fell asleep on air with Kathy Griffin?

You tell 'em, chief!

As long as I've got the three Bs, everything's golden.

Beer, broads & the ballgame. And I'm glad t'have it!

You got your container of beer and get ready for another night of working at not working until work in the mornin’. But whatta I know? I’m just a regular guy who works for what I got!