Why do Jim's friends and coworkers put up with his coy relationship talk?

5  2018-01-15 by TinKnockinMoroccan

They should call him out for being a fruit who likes taking thick hammer handles in his hiney.


He's the boss. Like Opie.

Matt Serra does it too.

because theyre his friends

Because it’s awkward as fuck to tell a dude who thinks he’s straight that he’s gay.

He basically admitted to deepthroating her before. Yet he still thinks he’s straight.

I'd compromise and say that they don't even have to call him out. Just stop tolerating this vague bullshit. It's not funny or cute in the least.

I'm sure they have off air and I'm sure Jim found a way to worm out of admitting his homosexuality.

They probably just see him as a broken guy that can't be fixed