Here's why Aziz Ansari's behaviour matters • r/GamerGhazi

2  2018-01-15 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


He still abused power.

So are women powerless children or strong and need no man? Make up your mind you dumb cunts.

Edit: how is that subreddit still a thing btw?

Its hilarious. I hope they never go away

Do they still cry about muh goobergators?

Allday errday

I read something earlier that had huge retweets that went along the lines of "Men, if a woman doesn't say no it doesn't mean they don't think no"

So we're supposed to be mind readers now.

Fuck them.


Crazy how his show hasnt been cancelled yet

Are you implying that people of color get special treatment? I find that to be a bit far fetched.