
22  2018-01-15 by SpudsCuckley

This sub has again shown itself to be pure class. My friendships with anyone regardless of who they are isn't your business but I get it. I'm a public figure. Bashing people because they are my friend is another story. Some of you are just horrid cruel people with no other goals than to try and hurt or destroy people. You come here and treat genuine cruelty like a video game. I've addressed your latest "find". I have no problem with it. If having been friends with Sue is a problem or funny for you sorry, I can't help you there. But again, some of you are putrid little trolls trying to inflict damage in people's lives. People you have no clue about. I bet if I posted this and some of the topics here outside of this sub a lot of people would have this sub slammed shut in no time for "hate speech". You HAVE to know that's very possible in today's climate. Hmmm, maybe I will.


Ur gay! Let us live faggot

Said any 12 year year old.

If having been friends with Sue is a problem or funny for you sorry, I can't help you there.

Who needs "help" with something thats funny?

You mister, because if you find that funny, well then that means you are a bigot, and that is someone who Anthony Cumia will simply not assist.

AND progressive.

"Having been friends".

Past-tense. Ant was "friends" with a transgender escort right up until people found out; and then she deleted all public contact with him, just as you'd do with any friend (not client).

Ps i will defend sue honor to the death, do not fuck with my man sue

Who’s Sue Honor?

Are you happy

Not really, no.

Neither am i

I don't give a shit.

Sue Lightning*

Shut your mouth spade.

I personally believe that Anthony was just friends with Sue.

I mean it's perfectly normal for men in their 50s to want to hang out with confused twinkish teenage boys who play dress up. They must've had so many common interests to discuss.

The story about how they met was very feasible too. Sue messaged him about a gun on FB and received an instant invite to the compound. I'm sure Ant would do the same if it was some fat middle aged guy who send him the message. Just two pals hanging out.

Nothing to see here.

He spent two years dreaming about getting this place shut down and in the end his masterplan was offering 5k to his followers to do it for him.

Ant. Listen to Ronnie.

I'm still hilarious!

Every person has certain aspects of their life they'd like to keep private and Anthony is no exception, why don't we lay off guys for old time's sake.

jk Ant's a fag

Tell me where Vos is performing you cunt


You thought you were Patrice but you came off like Intern David.

Aw shit nigga I ain’t reading all that shit

You mister, because if you find that funny, well then that means you are a bigot, and that is someone who Anthony Cumia will simply not assist.

AND progressive.

"Having been friends".

Past-tense. Ant was "friends" with a transgender escort right up until people found out; and then she deleted all public contact with him, just as you'd do with any friend (not client).