I've tried, but I can't bring myself to hate Opie.

0  2018-01-15 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I get it. He's unfunny. He's thin skinned. He's mentally ill and narcissistic. However, he just seems like a normal person who was trying to make a career in radio. But his partners were a legitimate child predator and whatever Jim Norton is. And both of them are terrible on their own.


there are less talented people who worked with bigger creeps, that were never as annoying as opie

Opie has a grating personality, but I look back real rock tv days, and he was just a retard trying to make it. I think he was always a guy who wanted to do something in radio. After OandJ broke up, he was the only one of the three trying to make a funny radio show. He's the only one that really gave shit.

"he was the only one of the three trying to make a funny radio show" ... I think opie was trying to prove he was funny and was willing to put on a terrible unfunny mess of a show so long as it appeared he was getting laughs.

Well, it was closer to a funny radio show than whatever Jim and Sam or Anthony were doing.

I can't defend Jim or ant (definitely not sam) ... I just don't think anyone should bother to defend anything opie has done

Yes, but those were pretty scattered events. We've had hundreds of shows with Ant and Jim on their own and they've been consistently terrible.

He's not just unfunny, he's anti-funny. If he just sat there and was a lump that'd be one thing, but he actively derailed funny.

That's true. But somehow his anti funny was able to draw funny out of Anthony and Jim. Neither of them are as funny solo(or even together) as they were with Opie. It's an observable fact.

That wasn't on account of Opie, it was on account of the varied people around Tough Crowd style to bounce shit off of.

Like look at the Fixing Joe episode where they just mocked Joe for the whole thing, it was the first real funny they had done in awhile.

The "Nopie" episodes are among the show's best.

Yes, but those were pretty scattered events. We've had hundreds of shows with Ant and Jim on their own and they've been consistently terrible.

There are people in life who I expect to be morally correct... people providing my radio entertainment are not one of them.

The other day I put bon one of the jocktobers when they were mocking their child of the 80's bit. Opie was just as shit and annoying in the reviewing of it and had to turn it off as it was legit making me angry.

Hate on this sub is different from hate in real life. This is all just theater. Can you imagine treating someone you know in real life like we treat these people?

There was a post last week from a dude who called the number on Brother Joe's 2U website and Joe picked up. He said they talked for a few minutes and by the end he thought Joe was a nice, down to earth guy. I don't know if any of us would like Opie if we knew him in real life since pretty much everyone he's ever known seems to hate his guts, but I think we'd at least have some sympathy and not get off on torturing him.

People r people

It's still real to me dammit!

My vocabulary might be a little better in the written word because I have the ability to edit my thoughts (although I often neglect said ability), but I can assure you that my shitty personality is just as shitty in real life.

Lol i kind of agree. Opie is not funny but anthony is an actual bad person haahahaha

Thanks for your input, guy that types like a tween girl

i am a tween girl

I don't dislike him so much as I dislike the fact that he is a hack. A hack that is overly sensitive, yet big-headed, who will make up stories when he has nothing to add, and who will put a screeching halt to a lot of bits where funny people in the room are just shooting the shit and being entertaining, only to be interrupted by Opie who has to go to the phones at the worst time or unnecessarily finish out another clip about something that was dumb anyway.

Let's see. It's 4:18 am and there are 419 people on talking about how "opies not that bad"

what. the. fuck. has happened to this place.

The pendulum is swinging back the other way

What i hate the most are the tough-crowd lovers who thinks the show was ever about a couple of comics sitting there huffing their own farts for hours. I mean sure, people busting each others balls are fun, but it has a limited set of time until it becomes a drag, when it becomes just nonsense talk (like all "comedy" radio shows today).

O&A was the best when they had heinous bits, along with guests and comics who had to react to the evil shit that happened on the radio.

Opie maybe stopped some riffing here and there but overall he tried to move the show forward so it wouldn't be that kind of meandering 20 minutes of two comics trying to one-up eachother until the jokes are dragged into the ground. I mean if you liked that, you probably would wanna watch the AA-show again, that's two comics riffing for 2 hours about nothing.

Most of the hate towards Opie comes from when Ant was fired. Let's be honest here.

You should be exiled and then this post scrubbed clean so nobody ever has to see this garbage again. Bunch of new faggots here

I take a funny pedophile over Opie.

Agree with OP. Opie was never a funny guy. He was only good at cringe moments. (Poker chips/Ed Asner for example) He is/was a radio host. People hate the ship steering analogy, but it’s correct. And dispite his flaws, he was good at directing the show.

Ant was funny when he reeled in his racism Jim was funnier when he was fat and not a SJW Sam was funnier as a background guy

Also.... Ron was funnier when he was fed up with Fez

Please, stop using Kratom.