Ready Player One looks like dog vomit

14  2018-01-15 by TinKnockinMoroccan



Book was terrible, too. So yeah. No surprise.

Dude, you aren't into pop references made for 45 year olds?


I literally have no idea what you are babbling on about. You geeks with your geek films that you hate yet still go see so they still get made are a strange bunch.

I am off for a run now. Goodbye.

I don't watch movies in theaters. Is especially bad since 90% of them are terrible superhero movies or reboots now.

If you don't like what's in theatres you should start filming yourself murdering women. I call mine 'independent films'


Sir I am not blaming just you on the multi billion comic book/geek industry.

Running is for Africans

anything based off a Y.A novel will be devoid of story or characters, and so all that remains is C.G.I action set-pieces

It's all spunky broads taking down a government of mean adults.

It was a faggot book for the Patton Oswalts of the world

We heard you also it's based off of a popular book. I'm not saying it looks amazing but calm down gaylord.

And the rest of the movie looks like the kind of fan service that would appeal to the people RedLetterMedia mocked i

Sorry. I didn't know people were so sensitive about this faggy nostalgia movie.

We heard you! Also why are you quoting yourself? P.S. nobody here cares about this movie except you.

I have no idea.

Ok at least you edited it out cunt

What good would it do to leave it in?

Didn't know you were so sensitive about your foolish accidental self quotes sheesh.

Too much alcohol.

All good brothaman

Speilberg hasn't made a good movie since Catch Me if You Can

Munich was great

Tss how was berlin

He's made amazing fucking movies in the last 20. But he's made some serious clunkers too. He's almost been 1-to-1 on greats against clunkers, it's really weird. If you look at the span of his career, he's had more bad movies in this last 20 than he had in almost 40 years preceding.

I thought The Post was a lazy borefest. It’s gotten for me with Spielberg in which I enjoy his movies that aren’t going for awards than the ones that do. Bridge of Spies was so fucking dull

Post took a while to get going, the first half really was slow. But once it got going, it had me hooked. (No clue how you're calling it "lazy," but...) Bridge Of Spies was slow too, but by the time it was over it had all come together and I loved it; that U2 getting shot down sequence was amazing.

I dont feel like he's going for awards, I feel like he's shooting from the heart, about stuff or events he's passionate about. I fucking loved Lincoln, Ive seen that movie like 5x.

I read the book, and I'm curious if the film will be faithful to its glorification of vehicle manslaughterer Matthew Broderick.

Sue Lightning manslaughtered Anthony Cumia's asshole.

Spielberg hasn’t made a movie in at least 15 years that hasn’t taken me to snooze town. I say this just having seen The Post a few days ago. Complete borefest that’s going to coast all involved into Oscar nominations that they don’t deserve

Is the post good? Seemed like mostly talking the whole movie is it worth it?

No. Hated it

There are some great quotes from the book. If there was more wife murdering I could have swornPatton Oswalt would have written it.

Is this the one with characters from like every video game and movie ever? Yeah fuck that cheese fest.

Is Duke Nukem in it?

The book was pure garbage. More of this coming of age teenage crap that we don’t need.

You don't like kid's films made for people in their forties?

And gamers wonder why nobody likes them.