'What's the Bonfire?' 'It's a show where they watch youtube videos for 2 hours.' - Zac Amico

90  2018-01-15 by HugsMcbear



This was a solid and accurate smash, but The Bonfire is the funniest show on SiriusXM right now (this is of course a very low bar).

I don't understand why anyone would pay for anything on siriusXM

Or for that matter, why anyone would listen to any podcast or radio related to the OandA show in anyway. They're all fucking terrible. Other than Rogan, it's a bunch of people talking over each other and making the laziest jokes possible.

Why would I listen to that when there are thousands of entertaining youtube channels out there? Listening to 18th century cooking would be more fun than hearing 3 mediocre comics with indistinguishable voices talk about the craft.

nobody pays for siriusXM, i've made probably 100 free trial accounts by now. And all Rogan does is "talk about the craft" with other comics, his first 400 or so podcast where amazing but he really has gone down hill, and him thinking he was too intelligent and pro for Redban's silliness was really the end of the top-tier JRE. but yeah, enjoy your cooking shows.

SXM numbers are mostly driven by new car sales and free trials. A good number of people who have it don't know it.

There aren’t any entertaining YouTube channels. They all suck.

U can find a good u tube channel or literally any subject, nigga

There is actually a wonderful u tube channel about 18th century cooking. Well made. Townsend and son or something. Much better than nu male shock jokery w feels

I find that channel fascinating and I'm glad there are others here who watch it

lol i didn't think u were actually talking about that show! it is wonderful, that guy is the man and is very passionate about preserving history. i make my own sour krout soup now.

I don't like how wholesome this thread became. Somebody say fuck.

fuck, i make some good sour krout soup and pork belly on the skillet

Fawking history and shitznit


I've said before and I'll say it again, jays disgusting girlfriend is ruining what could be a great show. She's practically 3rd mic (at least the last time I listened) and it's fucking annoying. Jay shoehorns the fuck out of her and she steamrolls anything funny going on with her opinions or observations. The bonfire use to be funny when it was just jay and soder.

She just became co-executive producer too. Terrible.

What gives her the experience to do so? All I know her for is being half a dyke, enjoying average dick, and not understanding the concept of human laughter and its mechanics.

Nothing. Everything you know about her is it.

Was Sam Roberts an executive producer?

do not listen to anyone who says the bonfire has improved

It will never be better with her on mic. I was all in with bonfire at the start but god damn that bitch is a tune out.

I've said before and I'll say it again

Will ya?

That post was classic Joyce_dewitt_hair. He always tells it like it is. He's the reason we all come here every day.

It’s like I’m thinkin’ it... and he’s sayin’ it!

She's alright, and she's almost never on air in the episodes I've heard.

You don't like her laugh?

She's not as annoying as Sam Roberts

She doesnt know the difference between women and woman. Shes a world class dunce and sucks on the air.

So does Sam

She's from California, that's to be expected

shoehorns the fuck out of her and she steamrolls anything funny going on

She must have learned how to trample over jokes from Jay, because that fat fuck likes to kill any bit on Legion of Skanks just to finish his thought. The sad part is that he is the funniest one of them by far, but he will trample over anything just to make a point.

Jay wasn't on the latest LOS ,Mullen and Zac were on. Was a great ep!

They haven't had a great ep in quite some time.

She barely speaks.

It morphed into The Oakerson's featuring Dan Soder

Most everything has a major audio element

I love it when they rip on Corey Feldman

The "catch me outside" girl episode was amazing. Soder's impressions were hilarious.

You mean the Feld Dog.

Both of their impersonation of him is dead on. You'd swear it was the real people.

I remember Luis and Jay fighting about it on LOS and then Jay just saying they would post the clips they watched so it was totaly fine. So people have to have to sit down and watch a bunch of youtube videos first before so you get their 45 min breakdown of a 5 minute video. Big Jay is holding back Soder way too much. Once Bennington ends he should get rid of Jay and pick up Chris Stanly.

Chris Stanley is actually really good with Jay (I hate Jay so this is as good as it gets). They did a few shows while Soder was away and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

Personally, I think Dave Smith's long running "Wait..what's the Bonfire?" bit never stops being funny, and he should definitely continue to do it

I agree, everything that heterosexual does is hilarious. Chip definitely didn’t fuck his small chinned girl either.

I know it's against the rules of this subreddit, but Dave's Luis J Gomez impersonation has made me laugh more in the last 2 months than Jim/Chip has.

a Luis J Gomez impression isn't hard. just make a voice like a young Cookie Monster with far too much entitlement.

I also like how he repeats everything Luis says in his growly Luis voice and people just patiently wait for it to end.

Personally, I think your long running contrarian, try hard to be edgy bit never stops being funny, and you should definitely continue to do it - especially when you constantly add shit about serial killers and faggots.

Why are you scared to post at me from your original account

The account that you were unsuspecting and vulnerable under before I hurt you, and you began this charade

I really like the Bonfire but it makes absolutely no sense without a visual element

Did you really need to see the Christian woman's stand-up to understand what was going on?

well when they spend 20 minutes talking about how people look in the front row, yeah it would have helped

I can't disagree with this.

Fair enough, but when they do a good job of describing the video it works really well for me, as long as the descriptions are funny. I’ve never once heard the bonfire or Opie and Anthony make fun of the video and the fact that I couldn’t see it ruined it for me as long as the jokes were there.

The Christian comedian one was the only half decent example you could have picked, I can put on 5 other clips of them describing how people look in clips and it doesn't work. There's someone on YT who syncs the audio up to videos they're talking about and it's 10x better, that's how you can compare. I'm not saying it's awful, it just makes no sense that they haven't figured this part out yet.

There's someone on YT who syncs the audio up to videos they're talking about

So what are you bitching about, then? That The Bonfire crew didn't do it, and had to rely on civilians?

You argue odd shit to people.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. They can't do their shit properly and can do it more often. I never said that all the shit was synced.

You walked "it makes absolutely no sense without a visual element" back to "yeah it would have helped".

You argue like a woman.

in the example given it would have helped, the rest of the time it doesn't work. how is this shit so complicated for you?

I loved those episodes and I never sought out the her video content. They describe shit well.

Still funnier than Jim & Sam

Zac is kinda right, and that’s one my favorite things the Bonfire does. And O&A were great at it. I love when funny people make fun of stupid shit. I mean it’s not that difficult of a formula. That’s one of the reasons why it is so disappointing that mean Jimmy is gone.

When Dan, Jay and Lou are on some improv run it's great. Whenever they aren't it's really fucking terrible.

Well, not really. They said they do this on The Lost Tapes episodes. It took me a while to figure that out (and they admitted it in the most recent Lost Tapes episode).

So, yeah, they spend the whole episode watching YouTube videos but only on the Lost Tapes ones.

absolutely every show is them watching at least two very obscure youtube videos. or liveleak to mix it up.

Big Jay explaining why somethings funny and telling you what happens before you hear it.

most shows are funniest when they do youtube commentary. Rogan, Burr, Segura, O&A, Jim and Sam, Bonfire. maybe not live, but on youtube with the videos added in.

Zac Amico, can dish out 1/100 good jokes, then sits in a corner with fat boy pizza breasts waiting for a call to get naked for Troma.

bonfire, YKWD, bennington, LoS, all these shows feature too many women, and it makes them suck. No matter what you think about O&A, at least the old show, Jim & Sam or Artie/Anthony never feature recurring pointless holes week after week

Yup, that's all it is and it's fucking awesome

Big Jay is ruining it again, Cristina is executive producer so the show is now, lets go over Jays youtube notes from last night while Dan struggles to get a word in with the couples preshow planned banter. Remember what I said last night that was so funny sweetie?

I'm not sure why they even bother to have guests they never let them get a word in.

She just became co-executive producer too. Terrible.

do not listen to anyone who says the bonfire has improved

It will never be better with her on mic. I was all in with bonfire at the start but god damn that bitch is a tune out.

I've said before and I'll say it again

Will ya?

She's alright, and she's almost never on air in the episodes I've heard.

You don't like her laugh?

She's not as annoying as Sam Roberts

shoehorns the fuck out of her and she steamrolls anything funny going on

She must have learned how to trample over jokes from Jay, because that fat fuck likes to kill any bit on Legion of Skanks just to finish his thought. The sad part is that he is the funniest one of them by far, but he will trample over anything just to make a point.

It’s like I’m thinkin’ it... and he’s sayin’ it!

She barely speaks.

It morphed into The Oakerson's featuring Dan Soder