What a surprise another thing Opie isn't good at

179  2018-01-15 by greygooser


"I'm a fawkin sports pro sniff"

“I was fawkin captain of my high school football team, you didn’t know that?”

American football is fucking gaaaaaaaay!

most events where you watch men chase balls are pretty faggety but at least we get to see the monkeys wreck themselves with concussions for life. Enjoy the memories while you can, you useless, overpaid meatheads

The linebacker who fucked the girl you liked in math class fucked her a long time ago and she didn't even know your name. Just let it go.

i was that linebacker fagget, now i just see things for what they are. the nfl is the most privileged spoiled overpaid worthless fucks ever

You had a line in your backer alright. Dvvv dv

The safety rules that are in place make the game gay now. Not only because it's softer, they can't even officiate it anymore.

With that said, it's still better than the faggotry that is soccer.

Real men prefer the olde colours at the footie match.

fucking dummy was wrong on botj

It was just a dumb throwaway bit!

You're very astute. It's almost like that was the reason I posted it.

I dont read titles

So, without the title, why did you think he posted it?

because opies tweets always get posted. Its called impulse hatred



This fat titted queer with grinch eyes is an absolute moron


Say what you want about his tits but the man can really put up those numbers.

he was being sarcastic.

I wish he was bad at breathing


Me: Thats the bit!

Dammit Opie, don't jinx my Eagles.

Not an issue. With the Philly crew and the Opester's mob connections it's pretty much a guarantee that the fix is in.

Vikings wanna play? sniff.....lets play...

I could shoot the lights out.

Cut him some slack. It takes a lot of skill to pick home favorites without the spread.

football viewership is for closet queers

You can't beat the spread.

Opie Sports Curse! Child of the 80s! Smoothie ingredients! This man has given us so much, and you won't even say thank you.

I thank him every day before my meal good sir. I thank Opie and then God.

he was always a phony about sports. thats why his pics always suck.

Fucking Genius

He had a caller he really liked in New Orleans and once had a layover in Pittsburg so these are both two of his team's as well by default *sniff

I remember there being audio of election day 2000 where opie signed off saying that Al gore was our next president.

At least his Patriots won the other day. Too bad about the Bills and the Dolphins and the Eagles.


He was 1-1 ATS