What have you all been up to ever since Anthony had the sub shut down?

51  2018-01-14 by Compound_MediaPR


Took a boat instead

Dis guys good

Wanna see the boat movie

I wanna see the boat movie

Fuck. Didn't see that other guys post. Not deleting. I'm drunk on jameson. Fuck this sub.

Your phone crapped out dude

I have been hanging out a r/Scorch but after a few days alone returned here.

I missed you

Counting my blessings if I can find them.

It's not just reddit tho', I've heard some Redban fruit goes after Ant also.

Reddit bothers Anthony more than that guy who sells dope fire merch on his $30/month podcast

Focusing on my studies

LGBT major?

you see, this here's the weiner. now it don't mean much but that's what it looks like

Working, Reading & Sleeping. Catching up on Movies

My life is as thrilling as grass growing

Imagining this whole sub in my mind, I guess. Damn, didn’t realize I was so many different people in my delusions. Sigh.

I have a lot more time now to look for my gun.

Running for senate in maryland. #wegotthis

double shifts at panera

From your lips to gods ears

Just going to the gym and eating better

Hangin out, playin nintendo... cock

sucking lamars coota

Making fun of O&A became less funny now seeing that Anth would even attempt to shut down this sub. He kinda won in the sense that he made himself look so fucking pathetic that it took the fun out of the bullying.

It's not good for him but it could start the slow decline of this place. Makes me want to move on.

Jerking off slightly more than usual

Just chillen n fuggin...you know

How is that?

Catching up on some knitting


Your phone crapped out dude