I feel like gossipy glenn tonight. Any rumors in the rock business that not many people know about?...

1  2018-01-14 by WhippingHuskies

I remember I started Billy Corgan thread awhile back, and someone here mentioned that he was actually a pretty tough blue collar dude who didn't take shit from no one, and beat some other rockstar up once, think it was Trent Reznor? Anyhow I'm bored, and was wondering if any of you degenerates had any interesting similar stories.


Back in 2004 or 2005 I did some work at his house in Highland Park, IL. Didn't meet him but he had a lot of freemasonic shit in the house. Nice fucking house as well. Also worked at Scotty Pipens and some big time sports agent (forgot his name) in Bensenville around that time too.

Ehhhhhh, who needs those fancy pant muckity mucks anyway. You got your bacon egg cheese on a roll and thermos with some Joe, and big calloused hands, and 6 pack of rolling rock bottles in the fridge when you get home. Salt of the earth is where the real happiness is huh, pal.

I did extensive work at the Rosemary's baby building in the UWS. The place was littered with satanic and masonic imagery and symbolism. The building's residents were also spooky as fuck. All that sex magic ritual Eyes Wide Shut shit is real.

Yea until you realize their property taxes a year alone is more than you're going to pay for your house in 20. But hell, when I'm done with a long day of swinging the hammer around, go home and crack open an ice cold and throw on the game, suddenly money isn't that big of an issue, you know what I mean buddy?

Your telling me, pal. Sure, my backs so beaten and twisted I can't get out of bed unless I pop 3 vicodins, but that's why I have insurance for. The local 104 has been good to me and my fellow joint fitters, no doubt about that. Another 12 years, And I'll get the RV, and live the rest of my days on the road, seeing the good 'ole US of A. Who knows, might even hit the jackpot and get that 2 bedroom in Myrtle Beach, paradise on earth, buddy.

You’re *

Look at Mr. Rhodes scholar over here. Hey pal, I did 2 years at community college, I'm no PHD, but I have a doctorate in sheet rock work. I learned this sweet science not from some bespectacled yuppie, but from the burly men of the local 231. Next time you get a leak, don't call me, call you're Eng. composition professor, but hey what do I know, I just got new mud flaps for the Ram.

Congratulations on your new mud flap purchase.

Thanks, buddy. It ain't much, but it' mine. My pride and joy. You know how many bathroom restorations I had to do to get the new 5.7 HEMI? Eh, forget about it, it\s playoff time, and I just called Mario's for a large pepperoni, a dozen wings and a 2 liter of Dew. Best slice in town.

All I know is you’re more of a man than me. Enjoy the game. Go Vikings.

Yesterday I found out that actress Laura Dern was married to musician Ben Harper.....that's not particularly interesting, but then I found out something that blew my mind (and will surely enrage and disgust many of you awful fucks). Laura Dern is currently dating former NBA star Baron Davis

Somebody posted an article a few days ago. Luckily she looks like a moldy foot now and her cunt's all dried up, so I don't think the stormfront guys are really upset over it.

Look at the big brain on Maynard. Someone plays HQ Trivia.

i was at a bar last night and heard a guy describe in full detail how he used to go down to the park, throw bread to lure the birds in, then shoot a heaping load of semen at the bird. he even took zinc pills to increase his load size. who knows if he was making this up or not, but it is how i will be spending my afternoons from now on.

Oh JerseyLowLife, don't sell yourself short, I see great promise and potential in you.

That was you was it?

The guys from Stryper ran a train on Joe Cumia. This is 101 percent factual.

We know. I thought the rumour was they did it a third time.

The yellow and black attack.

No wonder why Joe became a racist.

You'd be better off just making a Billy corgan thread. He believes in shapeshifting

does he ? COOOOOLLLL -butthead voice

Sitting next to Guns 'N Roses drummer Duff Mackagan made Kurt Cobain wanting to kill himself.


Phil Spector is innocent of murder.Guilty of being a giant asshole .That DA ,should go after a real killer Patton Oswalt before he strikes again.

I am thinking about starting a 2U tribute band. I was going to call it 2U2.

I saw the singer from Rotgut at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Jews run the industry. Pass it on.